23 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Got Motion Sickness?

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The ginger rhizome (an underground, horizontal stem of a plant that often sends out roots and shoots from its nodes) has been revered since ancient times for its medicinal properties. Nowadays, modern medical research shows that ginger root is an effective remedy to nausea caused by motion sickness, and other forms of nausea as well.

Traditionally, Chinese women eat ginger root during pregnancy to combat morning sickness. Ginger ale and ginger beer are known to settle a queasy stomach and ginger water was commonly used to avoid heat cramps.

While the links between ginger and motion sickness cure are well documented, at this point in time, it is much too early to tell if ginger root definitely will benefit people suffering from heart disease.

However, preliminary studies show that ginger may lower cholesterol and prevent blood from clotting. Both of these effects may protect the blood vessels from blockage as well as from the damaging effects of blockage such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

(Sources: The University of Maryland Medical Center, http://www.umm.edu; Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org)

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