13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

The Danger Of Phaseolamin

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The human body is naturally made to absorb starch since this is converted into calories, the body’s fuel. Blocking starch from food will definitely have an equal and opposite reaction to the body. Based on studies, Phaseolamin works only with starchy foods despite its recommended daily dosage of 1000mg.

Taking the fact that Phaseolamin is a substance found in wheat and white kidney beans, it is obvious that if one would eat the real thing, the anti-starch effects of Phaseolamin would be non-existent or very minimal at the very least. Aiming to lose weight through Phaseolamin is therefore an unrealistic way to do it.

Taking also the truth that starch is not an overweight person’s enemy but inactivity, drinking Phaseolamin before meals would only prove unfavorable for the body and a waste of money for the dieter.

The best course of action would always be to convert the starch we get into food into a beneficial component for the body through physical activity.

(Reference: Phaseolamin, Vibrant Life, Ltd. Website)

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