28 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi

Eat These Specific Foods to Raise Your Metabolism and Help Burn Body Fat

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White Bean Extract for Weight Loss Eat These Specific Foods to Raise Your Metabolism and Help Burn Body Fat.

Here's a list of specific foods that raise your metabolism and help burn body fat.

Cayenne Pepper -

Oxford Polytechnic Institute proved that cayenne pepper stimulates the metabolism approximately 20%. It not only stimulates the body's metabolic rate, but also cleans fat out of the arteries. Cayenne pepper also adds great zip to foods such as spaghetti sauce and soups.

Salsa -

Salsa was proven at the Oxford Institute to stimulate the metabolism approximately 15 to 20%. It's also America's number 1 condiment now. You can throw it on anything from baked potatoes and scrambled eggs to beans and even veggies. It's going to help because it is a natural thermogenic food that increases your metabolism. Of course, the hotter the better, but only choose what best suits your taste buds.

Hot Peppers -

Dr. Henry at Oxford University proved that hot peppers were very effective at stimulating the metabolism by adding just 3 grams of chili peppers to a meal consisting of 766 calories. The peppers led to what Dr. Henry calls "a diet-induced thermo effect". "It doesn't take much", he says, "but I caution that you must listen to your taste buds."

Chili Sauce / Mustard -

British investigators added about 3/5 of a teaspoon of hot chili sauce or ordinary mustard to a meal, and the hot stuff caused average metabolism in 12 subjects to shoot up 25%! The subjects burned off an extra 45 calories in the next 3 hours. Mustard and hot sauces such as Tabasco, caused one person to burn off 76 calories!

Ice Water -

High water intake reduces fat deposits and rids the body of toxins. Simply drinking eight 16 oz. glasses of water throughout the day, cooled to 40 Fahrenheit, will burn 200 calories; that's equivalent to running 3 miles! Ice water will burn more calories since your metabolism will increase to warm the water to body temperature. It is also very effective for reducing cravings. If you're not a water fan, we suggest you experiment with purified, spring or reverse osmosis water. If you're still not convinced, add a little juice for flavor. Don't drink Ice Water with meals as it dilutes digestive enzymes. A little warm water or herb tea is a good choice then.

Green Tea (Iced or Hot) -

Studies have shown that green teas that contain both Cannatic Extract and Gymnemic Acid, reduce absorption of sugar into the blood, and lessen the craving for sweets. More importantly, green tea inhibits the action of amylase, a primary digestive enzyme of carbohydrates and therefore, moves food more quickly through the digestive system, raising the metabolism quicker, and burning more calories. Green tea is best consumed before a meal to aid digestion. Other advantages include links to cancer prevention and health benefits for people with diabetes.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink -

An excellent fat burner, apple cider vinegar assists in the reduction of excess weight. Make a potent cocktail consisting of: 1 % teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (unpasturized) in a glass of pure water. Take twice daily.Organic apple cider vinegar has the best flavor. Apple cider vinegar has received glowing reports from both Patricia Bragg MD, Ph.D. and C. Scott. If a person who is too stout takes 1 teaspoon in a glass of water first thing in the morning and then during one other meal, he/she observes that in 2 months his/her waistline has been reduced by 1 inch. In 4 months, 2 inches and so on. Inch loss is evident but it does not always reduce weight.

The cider vinegar treatment will allow surplus fat to gradually disappear, whether it is a double chin or love handles. It is best to drink for 2-3 weeks, then go off for a week, so your body does not become immune to it. Works great for plateaus! Do not use this drink if you have Candidias.

* Thermogenic Cocktail - According to a group of Oxford researchers, hot spices can boost your metabolism by an extra 25%! A thermogenic cocktail, for instance, cayenne pepper, will assist your body not only by burning off calories, but will also give you more energy. An excellent thermogenic cocktail is a glass of V-8 or tomato juice sprinkled with cayenne and tobassco. Stir with a celery stick. Now your body is going to be cremating calories.

Not all fat burning foods have to be hot, though. Vegetables (preferably raw) and most fruits also increase your metabolism. Okay, maybe you haven't been too keen on veggies in the past, but many of them are very tasty and some fruits are as sweet as candy. All vegetables are good, but the most effective for flushing out the system are the following:

Cabbage -

Red or green cabbage should be shredded, raw or steamed. Start including cabbage in your diet as it is a longevity food. Studies in the United States, Greece and Japan have shown that people who eat a lot of cabbage are less likely to develop colon cancer, and also have a lower incidence of disease-related death. Try coleslaw instead of green salad with your next meal.

Celery -

Celery takes more energy from the body to absorb and digest than the calories it provides. Celery has also long been used as a nerve tonic; it's a good, crunchy raw vegetable to chew on if you are stressed out. Celery will calm your nerves, help flush fat out of your system, and make you sleep better. Try eating celery with low-fat yogurt dip.

Brussel Sprouts -

If you are a fan of these mini cabbages, you are in luck. Dr. Wattenburg's research concluded that brussel sprouts are an ultra-nutritious vegetable, extremely high in vitamin C and richer in protein than any other vegetable. Dr. Wattenburg recorded that healthy young people given a diet rich in brussel sprouts and cabbage improved the functioning of their metabolic systems.

Broccoli and Cauliflower -

Both broccoli and cauliflower rank number 1 as America's favorite vegetable, according to a poll by the Epcot Center. Your bones will love them, as they are one of the few calcium-containing vegetables. A cup of broccoli provides over 150 mg of calcium. Broccoli and cauliflower are both great in stir-fries or casseroles.

Lemon or Vinegar -

A small amount of vinegar or lemon juice (1 tablespoon), because of its acidity has a powerful slowing effect on stomach emptying, thereby slowing down the rate of starch digestion. Have a glass of water with lemon in the morning. It's a great way to keep your blood sugar balanced.

Vinaigrette Dressing -

A vinaigrette dressing (1 tablespoon vinegar and 2 teaspoons of oil) with your salad can lower the blood sugar response to the whole meal by up to 30 percent. Best vinegars for this are red or white wine vinegars. For other delicious low­fat salad dressings, please refer to my 201 Fat Burning Recipe Book.

Apples - A low-glycemic, low-insulin food loaded with pectin, apples leave you feeling fuller, longer. According to Dr. James Anderson, apples prevent hunger pains by guarding against dangerous swings or drops in your blood sugar levels. An average-sized apple provides only 81 calories and lowers blood sugar and blood pressure. Because of their high fiber content, apples are also a heart-healthy food.

Grapefruit -

Grapefruit is not a diet myth. It actually helps dissolve fat and high cholesterol, as proven at the University of Florida, by Dr. James Cerda. Grapefruits are loaded with over 15 grams of pectin, which helps curb your appetite by expanding in the body and making you feel fuller, longer. It is rich in natural galacturonic acid, which adds to the potential to fight fat and cholesterol. Try sprinkling cinnamon on your grapefruit to reduce the tart taste, or a little fructose if you have a sweet tooth. For a unique taste, sprinkle the grapefruit with cinnamon and broil for a few minutes; it makes a nice appetizer for a meal.

Berries -

Berries are one of the best rate reduction foods. They have a natural fructose to satisfy your cravings for sweets, but enough fiber so you can absorb fewer calories than you eat. British researchers found that the high content of insoluble fiber, found in most berries and vegetables, reduces the absorption of calories from foods enough to promote weight loss, without hampering your nutrition. Berries are also an excellent source of potassium which is effective for your blood pressure control. Enjoy berries; they make a great dessert when topped with low-fat yogurt. In the summer, drink fresh berry juice with

a protein powder, for a light snack..

Due to their high glycemic measure, fruits to consume only occasionally include:

Apricots - Raisins - Watermelon - Papaya - Bananas - Mango

In large quantities, these fruits drive your blood sugar to the sky, but they are fine to mix in with a salad or be eaten with other foods, to help neutralize the glycemic effect.

On the other hand, the following foods actually slow digestion and absorption for a more balanced blood sugar level. The fiber from these fruits also binds with some fat to prevent its absorption. High fiber foods are beneficial for speeding up bowel transit time and to taking some stress off the liver as less toxins form, allowing the body to metabolize more efficiently.

- Apples

- Berries

- Cherries

- Grapes

- Grapefruit

- Oranges

- Peaches

- Pears

Fatty Fish -

Fighting fat with fat may sound paradoxical, but not all fats make people fat. Omega 3 fatty acids, found in salmon, mackerel, tuna and other fatty fish, can increase the metabolic rate, rid the body of excess fluids and increase energy levels. Dr. Joel Krener, University of Florida, discovered that daily supplements of EPA (found in health food stores) brought dramatic relief for inflammation and stiff joints from rheumatoid arthritis. Other essential fats for a healthy metabolism are Omega 6 fatty acids, especially Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). Good sources are evening primrose oil, borage seed oil and black current oil. If you are not a fish lover, fish oil capsules and flaxseed (either in seed form or as an oil) are great sources of Omega 3 essential fat. In fact, flaxseed may play a role in the prevention of heart disease and cancer. You can also use flaxseed oil as a salad dressing.

Soup -

Forget the salad before a meal; have soup instead. A study by Dr. John Foreyt of Baylord College of Medicine, found that people who consumed a bowl of soup before lunch or dinner lost more weight than dieters who didn't. This is because soup fills you up better than salad, since salad generally consists of 75% water.

Oatmeal -

Oats drive down cholesterol. 23 out of 25 studies prove that a large bowl of oatmeal did the job. Oatmeal is a great, long chain molecule food that expands in the body and makes you feel fuller, longer. Oatmeal also releases glucose into the blood stream, slowly but surely. Add buckwheat to your bowl and you'll get a double whammy.

Pumpernickel Bread -

Studies at Michigan State University show that some breads reduce the appetite and others did just the opposite. The reason for these study results is that white and whole-wheat varieties are high on the glycemic index, and elevate the blood sugar greatly, which in turn stimulates fat production in storage.

Breads that are dense, high fiber breads, do just the opposite. Researchers found that subjects who ate dark, high fiber breads, compared to those who ate white bread, were less hungry on a daily basis and

- lost five pounds in just two months without doing anything else differently.

A key to choosing dark breads, such as pumpernickel, mixed grains and some whole-wheat's, is that the more chewing the bread requires, the more density and fiber it contains. If the bread melts in your mouth, it is a high glycemic food.

White Bean Extract for Weight Loss.

Effectively Lose Weight by Some Additional Supplements

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White Bean Extract for Weight Loss Effectively Lose Weight by Some Additional Supplements.

If you wish to lose the fat permanently, you must make enough effort burning the additional calories. It's not necessary you make this happen by doing more and more workout but the fat loss diet pills, creams, teas and powders can help you a lot too. Check out a few major supplements here.

Hoodia Supplements

Weight loss workout plan includes hoodia supplements, which is well known for its weight loss properties. It is a powerful appetite suppressant and can help in losing weight. Hoodia is generally safe to take and have no side effects. Hoodia diet pills are the best combination to a healthy diet and proper exercise. It gives calm, healthy energy boost that won't leave you exhausted.

Green Tea Supplements

Weight gain occurs when there is an excess supply and fats that are stored in the body as fat cells. The components of green tea help prevent weight gain by reducing the movement of glucose in these fat cells. Green tea contains components that affect the body's metabolism. The leaves of green tea plants are heat producing herbs. This means that these leaves can raise the body's metabolism. Green tea helps to increase the body's metabolic rate, causing greater calorie burn that contributes to fat loss workout plan.

Dietrine supplements

Dietrine is one of the greatest carbohydrates blocking supplements today. The Dietrine is a very effective fat loss pill which has the ability to block the carbohydrates which get into a person's body. The ingredients found in it are the extracted out of the white kidney beans. These are just few examples of the many types of fat loss workout supplement. With all these supplements, exercise is also very important. Without any physical activity you will not achieve the results you desire. If you have no idea what type of supplement is right for you, go to your doctor or dietitian. You can also join a fitness centre. As you add fat loss workout plan to your routine, you will see more fit muscles and longer, leaner body lines. The perfect fat loss workout plan will speed up your metabolism and increase your body's ability to burn fat long after your workout.

White Bean Extract for Weight Loss.

Erotic Fancies at a Kitchen-Range

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White Bean Extract for Weight Loss Erotic Fancies at a Kitchen-Range.

Topic - love-erotic culinary, - will probably cause someone's open protest. Someone will shrug his shoulders, grinning: well, what's the connection between kitchen and erotic? However, probably there will be some ones (and they will be in majority), who will treat such an unusual kitchen conversation with an evident interest. Let's be glad for them, as the information they will receive will be useful for them for sure.

It will help to bring a freshness of sensations in a usual family mode, create an atmosphere of soul peace in a house, make a man and a woman partners not only in bed, during short moments of intimate closeness, but also in kitchen, where a big part of family life takes place. Such culinary serves as a base of family relations, as it teaches a husband and a wife to remain attractive and sexually active, regardless of age and life troubles.

However, every of you will be able to assure in this in practice. But let's start from theory.

The first country, where a system of cooking food in a so-called love style was developed, is considered to be India. Indian cooks were the first ones who noticed that a taste of sexual secretions depends on a taste of food. They paid a huge attention to scents, as, to their opinion, scent of food influenced body smell a lot, and the last, in it's turn, stroke the keynote of love games.

Agree, it's quite a logic conclusion. A heavy smell of body, caused by heavy food, not suitable to sexual needs, will hardly awaken sexual attraction. That's why, dear married couples, if you want to be always desired, appraise critically what you eat, and if necessary, introduce proper amendments into your ration.

Fried food, especially in deep fat, affects a person negatively. Unfortunately, nowadays this is the most popular way of food treatment. Fats are heated up to 200 C and form carcinogenic substances.

We can say easily that fried food is contra-indicated to erotic mystery. In India any food, having a strong smell of fried, is considered to be harmful for sexual games. Such food creates an excess of slime, contributes to adiposity, tiredness, heaviness. As a result, when time comes to a love game, it is not accompanied by trembling and excitement, and turns into a usual satisfaction of physiologic needs.

According to Indian culinary traditions, taste of food affects not only sensations, but also affects Spirit on a thin level. One combination of gustatory senses may cause delight and eroticism, and another - irritability and anger. Advantage of Indian cuisine is in freshness and natural foods, practical absence of preservatives, dye stuffs, various artificial additions, conditioners of taste and other inventions of civilization. Fresh natural products, subjected to minimal temperature treatment, are wholesome not only for health, but also for love.

Chinese cooks are real trendsetters in erotic culinary, they eat exotic food, to our views. They do like bird-nest, stuffed eggs, fermented (black and looking like paste) chicken eggs. And a dish "Dragon's fight" is cooked of snake, frog and tiger.

Of course, we should not necessarily obtain such products for a family meal. Nevertheless, you can take something from Chinese cuisine. Why not paying more attention to decoration of dishes? You know, food, decorated in a cranky way (say, cookie, baked in the form of woman's lips, breast, nates) will attract attention for sure. Such culinary specialities will cause a gust of emotions, awaken imagination and fancy, tune to a proper sexual mood.

An idea of ritual dinner, ruling in Chinese cuisine, will be useful too, and, first of all, an idea of famous Chinese tea-drinking. This prolonged ritual contributes not only to rest, peace, removal of stresses, but also to rallying of all members of a meal, strengthening of a family.

Since log ago, only men cook in China. Men-cooks are good judges of erotic cooking, like nobody else.

By the way, in China, having a thousand-year erotic culture, there was a special cook-erotic in an emperor's staff. He cooked food, which allowed emperor to contact with hundreds of concubines constantly. It's known, that one of potions was cooked of antlers. Ground antlers were poured with honey and vodka, extracted on a special sort of wild cherry. Then 40 sorts of herbs and spices were added. A Chinese emperor drank such drink before entering harem. Servants of harem watched closely that emperor satisfied all the concubines (presumably, about 30 ones daily). Erotic power allowed to judge whether he's able to rule a country.

Certain food products have great impact on male and female sexuality. Products, bringing stimulant beginning, can be divided into 3 general groups: animal, vegetable and mineral. They are used either separately, or in combination, considering a concrete person's gustatory addictions.

Eggs of different birds are in the first group (chicken, goose, quail), milk (especially goat one), game (hazel grouses, quails), genitals of animals, mussels, oysters, caviar. Among exotic products of animal origin, antlers, musk gland, whale ambergris, rhinoceros horn have stimulant effect. Animals should be young and healthy, then all these remedies will be efficient.

Second, more numerous group, includes ginger root, fennel, ginseng root, mushrooms, black beans, some sorts of onion, pumpkin, carrot, rhubarb, figs, almond, pistachio and cedar nuts, fir seeds, sesame seed, cinnamon, nutmeg, saffron, some sorts of poignant pepper, raisins, walnuts, honey, millet, orange seeds, pomegranates. All plants should be ob high quality and gathered in a certain time.

It's known that sexual hormones are formed in organism under enough quantity of "vitamins of reproduction" A and E. They are contained in animal fats, chicken eggs, cod-liver, carrot. Vitamins of group B provide efficient conductivity of impulses through nerves, what is extremely important for sexual excitement process. They are contained in cereals and legumes, potato, dairy products, meat and fish dishes. Vitamin C contributes to normalization of blood circulation and affects genitals condition beneficially. Citruses are especially rich in vitamin C (oranges, lemons, grapefruits).

If meat, then only on a "pillow"

There's an opinion that a man becomes a real sexual giant in bed, if you feed him to satiety with meat beforehand. This myth was invented by women, who did not know peculiarities of male physiology. On the contrary, meat is some kind of narcotic, after which a man becomes weaker and loses self-control. After hearty supper, rich in meat dishes, he does not need sex already. His organism is tuned on other task's fulfillment: he should digest heavy meat food, what leads a man to drowse and apathy. This does not mean that meat food should be completely excluded from erotic culinary. On no account: you know, meat is a strong source of energy. We offer you to bring to minimum unwanted affect of meat food on male potency through a special culinary trick: cook meat on a vegetable "pillow".

Cutlets can be cooked this way especially well. You can add any vegetables, herbs and spices in minced meat. Meat food requires a special dish to be served up, so that a cooked dish would be not only tasty, but also appetizing, showy. For example, you can pour London broil or meat chop with cognac and burn before serving up. The effect is striking!

Earthenware crockery is very comfortable for cooking of meat dishes. Firstly, meat is not fried in them, but stewed in an oven. Secondly, you can interleave it with various vegetables in several layers.

Every day - a surprise

Cuisine should be various. You should not allow the same food appearing in it every day. Use various seasonings, sauces, spices, which can add an aroma of newness even to the most usual food. Say, why not adding dried apricots and raisins to a usual boiled buckwheat once, and slightly fried onion and walnuts - another time? In short, try, invent!

A real cook's skill is in his ability to cook something original of usual products. For example, a usual apple pie will cause lots of new sensations, if it will be with a surprise. You may use several sweet peas, added to pastry. The one who finds such surprise, will become a "master" in a bed-room in a coming night of love. The more often married couple will arrange such culinary performances, the more inventiveness, fantasy and merriment they will show while doing this, the stronger their love passion will flame up.

Full stomach and sex are incompatible

Don't allow gluttony while meal. Supper should not be bountiful. On East they observe the following rule: in order not to overeat, you should fill half of your stomach with food, quarter - water or other liquid, and quarter should be empty, to control breathing.

The following advices will also help to avoid overeating. It's better to start meal with some liquid: fresh tea, herb extract. Then vegetables and then - meat dish. It's desirable to finish meal with raw vegetables, fruits, roots, but not liquid (it was in the beginning) and fat high-calorie sweets.

Raw and sour vegetables, herbs, roots, natural dairy produce (milk, skim cotton cheese, lang, cheese) should be on your table at any season.

Short period of hunger can have stimulant effect under condition that it is used with moderation and carefulness. It's known that vegetarian food can stimulate erotic desire. Indeed, it's important to combine vegetable food with meditation, philosophy and good mood.

Love drink to your own receipt

Erotic games are impossible without wine. It relaxes, removes stress, and muffles uneasiness. However, don't misuse alcohol while meal before intimate relations. Learn cooking light drinks of fruits and herbs, rising mood and increasing sexual activity.

If you want to feel real love bliss, aura and mystery, then you should not drink strong drinks - vodka, cognac, rum, gin. Create a receipt of your own love drink, which should not be stringer than 10-15 degrees, otherwise it will stupefy you.

Include beer in your arsenal of love imperial drinks. Japanese researchers consider it to be a God's drink. It can be extracted on spices, herbs and leaves, like wine.

First rest, then food

When your man comes home from work, try to distract his thoughts from food somehow. Make him relax, forget about his problems, rise his mood, burn a fire of passions in him, and only after this prelude invite him to meal. Remember that a man in good mood is a pledge of full value sex, which will be able to bring satisfaction and pleasure to both husband and wife.

Men, to a gas-stove!

You are so tired after work and will hardly cook something with joy and happiness, and good mood is very important for cooking. So, allow your man to cook for yourself.

Many connoisseurs of culinary art consider that men always show more imagination and creation in kitchen, that's why dishes they cook distinguish themselves with more delicacy and piquancy, whereas women can cook traditional food better.

A man is always improvising, cook not according to a cook-book. He's quick, movable, energetic, merry and active on kitchen. It's such a pleasure watching him. But helping him or although inspiring with your presence and praising will be even better. The main is that you never should lash your man for unfortunate cooking. This will dispel his entire further wish to cook.

Stewed beef "Forest games"

Beef - 100g, red bilberry - 0,5 glass, melted butter - 1 table spoon, 1 onion, tomato paste - 1 tea-spoon, flour, meat broth or water, bay leaf, pepper, salt to your liking.

Slice meat and fry in melted butter till forming of ruddy crust. Add tomato paste, crumbled up onion, salt and pepper and fry for 7-10 minutes more, then add flour. Pour meat broth or water, put red bilberry and bay leaf and stew till readiness.

Salad "Beet bacchanalia"

1 beet, dry peppermint - 1 tea spoon, 1 onion, 1 table spoon of skim cotton cheese.

Peel off beet and grate. Grind dry peppermint. Chop onion into small particles. Mix vegetables with cotton cheese and serve up. If you can, decorate with leaves of raspberry, currant, nettle, dandelion flowers. Such salad leads to weight loss and good sexual state.

Salad "Dolce Vita"

Sweet red cayenne - 6 pods, chopped nettle leaves - 4 table spoons, 1 carrot, chopped green of mint - 1 table spoon, vegetable oil - 4 table spoons, lemon juice - 1 table spoon, salt, ground black pepper to your liking.

Cut cayenne in straws, chop nettle in small particles, grate carrot. Mix products, add salt, pepper, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Pour with chopped green of mint.

Drink "Soul song"

Dry red wine - 1 glass, buttermilk - 0,5 glass, honey - 1 tea-spoon, grated beet - 1 tea-spoon, dry mint - 1 tea-spoon.

Mix beet with mint, pour with buttermilk and heat till boiling, then remove from fire at once and leave for 20-30 minutes. Filter extract and mix with wine, heat and serve up hot, adding honey. Such drink can be cooked with white wine too.

Liqueur "Love bliss"

Vodka - 1 glass, water - 0,5 glass, rowan-berry - 0,5 glass.

Wash rowan-berry carefully, smash to pieces, pour with boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Then pour off liquid, mix with vodka and leave for day-and-night. Serve up cool.

Mushroom pudding

Fresh mushrooms - 400 g, 1 onion, 300 g of white bread, 0,5 glass of milk, 2 eggs, butter, flour, grated cheese, pepper, salt to your liking.

Peel off fresh mushrooms, wash, cut in small particles. Cut onion and fry in oil, add mushrooms, salt, pepper and stew covered till readiness. Soak bread in milk. Separate whites from yolks and whisk. When mushrooms are ready, mix them with soaked bread, yolks and beaten whites. Put this mass in a mould, oiled and poured with flour, put mould in a dish with water and stew on a water bath on a gas-stove or in an oven for 40-50 minutes. Serve up, pouring with grated cheese.

Salad "Honeymoon"

1 radish, 1 table-spoon of honey.

Wash peeled off radish carefully, cut off core, crush with a knife, mix with honey and fill in hollow with this honey mixture. Leave for 24 hours under room temperature, until juice is exuded. Then eat honey mixture like a salad. You can drink juice exuded separately or pour honey mixture with it.

Vinaigrette "God's grace"

Small fresh mackerel, 2 beets, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, mayonnaise or vegetable oil - 2 table-spoons, salt.

Here's an example of cooking food on a vegetable 'pillow". Cleanse mackerel and cut to pieces together with bones. Cut vegetables in small circles. Put a layer of beet on a bottom of a saucepan, then carrot, then pieces of mackerel, on top potato and onion. Put ready vinaigrette on a plate. Add vegetable oil or mayonnaise in broth and pour vinaigrette with it.

Drink "Female secret"

Cognac - 2 table-spoons, dry mint leaves - 1 tea-spoon, dry flowers of calendula - 1 tea-spoon, dry leaves of dog-rose - 1 tea-spoon, water - 3 glasses, caraway - on a knife's edge.

Pour the whole mixture of dry herbs in boiling water, boil again, remove from fire quickly and leave for 20-25 minutes. Pour off broth, add cognac. Drink it warm. Mince the body that is left after broth, mix with equal quantity of honey and serve up with tea instead on jam.

Many Eastern lords used an ancient receipt, which prolonged male sexual activity. Boil duck eggs, peel off, prick in several places and put in an extract of vodka with anise-tree, cinnamon, ginger, sweet pepper, parsley and dill for 2 hours. Eat on the eve and during sexual games.

White Bean Extract for Weight Loss.

Fast Weight Loss in 6 Easy Steps

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White Bean Extract for Weight Loss Fast Weight Loss in 6 Easy Steps.

You can experience fast weight loss in 6 easy steps. Many of my patients and friends lost weight fast, shedding 1 to 2 pounds every week without following some crazy fad diet or taking a dangerous diet pill. Just 6 easy steps to lose weight and keep it off!

Let's get to it...

1. Eat 250 Fewer Calories a Day

Cutting out 250 calories is not hard. Cut your bread servings in half, substitute starches with vegetables, and stop eating process sugars and foods.

2. Burn 250 Calories a Day

Water aerobics, walking with calisthenics, biking, rowing, stair steps, and jogging for 30 minutes will do the trick.

3. Block Carbohydrate Absorption

Excess calories from carbohydrates ends up as body fat. Taking 800 mg/day of white kidney bean extract and 125 mg/day each of two brown seaweed kelp, bladderwrack and Ascophyllum, will turn off the enzymes responsible for carbohydrate absorption.

4. Block Fat Absorption

The lipase enzyme is responsible for fat absorption. Block it with a prescription drug called Orlistat (Alli is the over-the-counter version). Take 5 grams of a soluble fiber supplement 15 to 30 minutes before each major meal for additional help.

5. Break Leptin Resistance

Leptin is a hormone that tells your brain to stop eating. But as we age, leptin has difficulty getting to the brain...this is called leptin resistance. Take 300 mg/day of Irvingia gabonensis, a West African plant that breaks leptin resistance.

6. Restore Your Resting Metabolic Rate

Burn more calories at rest by supplementing with 500 mg/day of green tea extract and 100 mg/day of 7-keto-DHEA.

That's it. Fast weight loss in 6 easy steps.

Visit the to learn more about fast weight loss.

White Bean Extract for Weight Loss.

Fat Burning Diets Choose the Right Food to Eat

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White Bean Extract for Weight Loss Fat Burning Diets Choose the Right Food to Eat.

No matter how hard you've tried to exercise, it is still useless if you are consuming foods that only add up to your existing bulky self. Exercising is the best method known for you to include in your fat burning diets. Irrespective of any diet plans make sure you include exercising in some form or the other so that you stay fit and healthy. Keeping this in mind you might want to consider the following categories to help you choose the right kind of food to include in your everyday meal.

Protein Meals: If you want to burn those extra calories you've had the previous day, because you couldn't resist that delicious yet damaging dessert the previous night then proteins will help you do that. There are great protein foods that are good in fat burning diets which includes the following:

Vegetable diet includes all beans like lima beans, navy beans, white beans and kidney beans; whole fiber foods that are not processed yet; pulses; oat meal; lentils and etc.

Non-vegetable diet includes egg-whites; trout, tuna, white meat, chicken, turkey, shrimp, oyster, lobsters and etc.

Low-fat Dairy Products: Another thing you need to consider are the products you are stored in your fridge. If you plan to consume 7 day diet plan on a long term basis, then you must get rid of those supplies that are likely to put a pause on your goal weight. Products rich in dairy absorb fats quicker as the calcium it contains disintegrates fat at a higher rate.

To help you lose weight in faster way, combine products with high calcium with low fat milk. You can also use low-fat milk of course, no fat yogurt, low fat cheese etc.

Vegetables: Not all vegetables are known to burn fats quickly if a 7-day fat burning diet plan is your main goal. However you will be surprised to know of one that is highly recommend! Of all vegetables, chilies are known for its effectiveness in calorie burning. It can help your body within 30 minutes after you consume thermogenic foods that contain chilli. Amazing you might call it!

Fat burning vegetables includes radishes, chili, asparagus, celery, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, onions, carrots etc.

Citrus Fruit: Most citrus fruits are rich in fiber which is hard to digest. It requires more calories in order to burn and it will resulting in serious losing of weight. Also, citrus fruits contain vitamin C helping the fat to digest through dilution.

Some kind of citrus fruits for fat burning diets includes Grapes, cranberries, watermelon, strawberries, plums, oranges, pomegranates etc.

Excellent foods that burn fats: Other than foods mentioned above, are the following foods you can choose from: green tea extract, olive oil, brown rice, lentils, beetroot, nuts (Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts) etc.

Now that you have the top five fat burning diets your 7 day diet plan is sure to be a grand success. Your first step is to clear your refrigerator of the foods that do not make a mention in your 7 day diet plan.

White Bean Extract for Weight Loss.

27 Nisan 2012 Cuma

Recent Study Shows People Use Pepper To Relieve Asthma

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Having asthma is no joke. There’s so many things you have to be careful for: the weather, the environment, the food you eat, the perfume the people you go with have on at the moment, and so much more.

Having a spell of asthma is never easy nor cheap either. The cost of medication has gone up along with the hospital bills that could come if your asthma is left untreated.

This is probably why residents of Trinidad and Tobago opted to use pepper and other natural herbs such as ginger, garlic, aloes, shandileer, wild onions, and black sage to relieve asthma.
Though the study did not clarify what type of pepper the residents often used, the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of the West Indies in St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago revealed that 58 out of 191 patients were found to use herbs as a remedy to asthma.

The study, conducted between June-July 2003, showed that 58.6% of the herb-using patients obtained herbs from their backyards or supermarkets while 24.1% obtained herbs from herbalists, herbal shops, or pharmacies. Patients were found to use the herbs mostly as a result of the advise given by a relative or a friend.

(Source: Medicinal Herb Use Among Asthmatic Patients Attending A Specialty Care Facility In Trinidad, National Center for Biotechnology Information Website)

The Copper In Black Pepper

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Did you know that black pepper has copper? Yup, you heard it right! That’s dietary copper. Did you know that copper is essential to humans and most animals because we need it to absorb and utilize iron?

According to NutritionData.Com, "the influence of copper on health is due to the fact that it is part enzyme, which are proteins that help biochemical reactions occur in all cells" such that the symptoms of a person having deficiency in copper is "similar to a person having iron deficiency anemia".

Copper is, in short, involved in the absorption, storage and metabolism of iron. However, recent studies suggest that copper can do more than this—especially for dieting women.

Scientists of the Agricultural Research Service of the United States suggests consuming about three times the recommended amount of dietary copper to help women retain calcium in their bones when dieting. This recommendation was given after findings conducted by the said agency revealed that people who are overweight or obese are vulnerable to losing unhealthful amounts of calcium from their bones when they go on weight-loss diets.

Increasing your intake of black pepper when dieting is therefore helpful, since black pepper is a rich source of dietary copper. But whether or not on the diet, giving your meals a dash of pepper every time prevents the unwanted effects of osteoporosis, iron-absorption problems, and digestion difficulties.

(Sources: Copper, Glossary, NutritionData.Com, 2006; Study Suggests Boning Up On Copper While Dieting, United States Department Of Agriculture Website, March 2006)

Black Pepper, A Slimming Agent?

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You probably know by know that black pepper has a lot of health benefits aside from helping you derive the most benefit from your food.

Aside from being a wonderful seasoning, it is a multi-tasking spice that promotes healthy digestion, promotes healthy sweating (diaphoretic), promotes urination (diuretic) and that prevents the formation of intestinal gas (carminative).

But, did you know that pepper is also a slimming agent?

"The outer layer of the peppercorn stimulates the breakdown of fat cells, keeping you slim while giving you energy to burn," reads the write-up of Peppermills.Com on Black Pepper, which is also known as Piper Nigrum.

This is probably why black pepper is regarded as a metabolism enhancer and is a major ingredient of Bioperine, a patented product advertised for weight loss.

BodyBuilding.Com promotes Bioperine as the only product sourced from 95% piperine that can enhance the body’s natural thermogenic activity, which is the metabolic process that generates energy at the cellular level in the human body.

Evidence of black pepper’s capacity to boost natural thermogenic activity can be found simply by eating a lot of it in the food you eat. If you have no idea of what we mean, take a bite out of your favorite meal that’s been heavily spiced with black pepper and feel the beads of perspiration form out of your skin afterwards along with the body heat that will come with it.

Black Pepper Oil

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Necessity is the mother of invention. Convenience is its daughter. Brilliant people have come up with many solutions to relieve their ailments and to make life easier. One of this is black pepper oil.

An option to dashing up your dishes with fresh black pepper, black pepper oil is a convenient way to spice up your meals without the hassle of sneezing or, for others, shedding tears. Some people find the smell of black pepper revolting but would like to experience its benefits. Others prefer a sublime taste of it against their tastebuds, but look forward to its tangy effect in their dishes.

Still there are some people who prefer not to ingest black pepper yet receive the wonderful benefits it can bring to their overall health and wellness. Thanks to aromatherapy, this has become possible.

Unlike the known benefits black pepper has on bodily processes, black pepper oil helps get rid of toxins, stimulates and strengthens the body, cures colds, and creates warmth and heat in the body during cold weathers.

Black pepper oil can be used in a hot water bath, with other vegetable oils when cooking or when you need a good relaxing massage.

(Source: Infused Olive Oils, BoyajianInc.Com and Black Pepper Aromatherapy Essential Oil by Power Health, WorldWideShoppingMall.Co.Uk)

Population Control With Piper Longum?

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Scientific research released last March 2006 by the Taylor & Francis Health Sciences of the Taylor and Francis Group, a leading international academic publisher with over two decades in experience, show that Piper Longum could contain the solution to population control.

The study involved the use of the crude extract, the different fractions, and the major pure compound from the active fraction of the powdered fruits of Piper Longum in female rats for 7 days. The study was meant to identify the antifertility activity of natural products, such as Piper Longum.

The study noted that the crude extract and the hexane fraction of the Piper Longum exhibited 100% and 86% efficacy respectively from days 1 to 7 of the study.

It was not made clear, however, if the scientists will progress the study in humans or for human use, and whether or not human consumption of Piper Longum has the same antifertility effects.

(Source: Antifertility Activity Of Piper Longum In Female Rats, TaylorAndFrancis.MetaPress.Com)