30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Dr. Oz: Dr Mercola 's Health Guide | Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Doctor

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Today Dr. Mercola was a guest on The Dr. Oz show Wednesday January 4th 2012. The general theme of the two segments was why you might not want to trust your doctor & Prescription Drugs - Topics covered include vitamin D, CoQ10/Ubiquinol, hypertension, statin drugs, and antidepressants.

Mercola the controversial alternative medicine guru, claims that there are times when you shouldn’t trust your doctor nor should you take certain medications. Dr. Mercola claims that there are times when you shouldn’t trust your doctor nor should you take certain medications.

Dr. Oz claims Dr. Joe Mercola is one of the most controversial figures in the world of alternative medicine and has millions of online followers. However, the government and the mainstream medical establishment see many of his unconventional views as misleading and possibly even damaging to your health.

Read More On Segment on Dr. Oz & Dr. Mercola Wednesday January 4 2012 - The Prescription Drugs Dr. Mercola Doesn’t Want You to Take-Statins, Blood Pressure-lowering Drugs & Antidepressants In case You Missed It!

Dr. Mercola wrote this article that has more in-depth information on the topics covered on the show.

The Dr. Oz Show: Dr. Mercola - 'Information I Couldn't Share'

DrMercola.Com: Dr. Mercola Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the most crucial nutrients for a healthy life. The powerful "sunshine vitamin" is becoming increasingly well-known for its many phenomenal benefits, including protection from colds and flu, diabetes, MS, cancer, and a wide variety of other ailments.
While a lot of the focus on vitamin D ends up being about vitamin D supplementation, the IDEAL way to optimize your vitamin D levels is not by taking a pill, but rather allowing your body to do what it was designed to do—create vitamin D from appropriate sun exposure. In a recent interview, Dr. Stephanie Seneff really brought the importance of getting your vitamin D from sun exposure to the forefront. While I've consistently recommended getting your vitamin D from regular sun exposure whenever possible, her input really convinced me of the wisdom of this natural strategy.

She believes that when your skin is exposed to sunshine, it synthesizes not only vitamin D3, but also vitamin D3 sulfate.
Your sulfur levels are intricately tied to your cholesterol levels, and play an important role in the prevention of heart disease. So getting regular sun exposure has much greater health ramifications than "just" raising your vitamin D levels and preventing infections. Sun exposure also appears to play a role in heart and cardiovascular health, and much more!

The sulfated vitamin D formed in your skin in response to sun exposure is water soluble, unlike an oral vitamin D3 supplement, which is unsulfated. The water soluble form can travel freely in your blood stream, whereas the unsulfated form needs LDL (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) as a vehicle of transport. Dr. Seneff's suspicion is that the oral non-sulfated form of vitamin D may therefore not provide all of the same benefits as the sulfated form, because it cannot be converted to vitamin D sulfate...

As I said on the Dr. Oz show, if you cannot get your vitamin D requirements from sun exposure, I recommend using a safe tanning bed (one with electronic ballasts rather than magnetic ballasts, to avoid unnecessary exposure to EMF fields). Safe tanning beds also have less of the dangerous UVA than sunlight, while unsafe ones have more UVA than sunlight. If neither of these are feasible options, then you should take an oral vitamin D3 supplement. It will definitely be better than no vitamin D at all.

Vitamin D Serum Levels and Dosages
Some 40 leading vitamin D experts from around the world currently agree that the most important factor when it comes to vitamin D is your serum level. So you really should be taking whatever dosage required to obtain a therapeutic level of vitamin D in your blood.
However, while there is no specific dosage level at which "magic" happens, based on the most recent research by GrassrootsHealth—an organization that has greatly contributed to the current knowledge on vitamin D through their D* Action Study—it appears as though most adults need about 8,000 IU's of vitamin D a day in order to get their serum levels above 40 ng/ml. This is significantly higher than previously recommended! For children, many experts agree they need about 35 IU's of vitamin D per pound of body weight.

At the time GrassrootsHealth performed the studies that resulted in this increased dosage recommendation, the optimal serum level was believed to be between 40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). Since then, the optimal vitamin D level has been raised to 50-70 ng/ml, and when treating cancer or heart disease, as high as 70-100 ng/ml.

Ubiquinol/Co Q10
If you're over 25, your body becomes increasingly challenged to convert oxidized CoQ10 to ubiquinol. Why is that important? Well, ubiquinol is one of the single most crucial nutrients for energizing every cell in your body. It is especially useful for protecting your mitochondria, which supply most of your body's energy currency in the form of ATP. I believe virtually everyone over 30 benefits from supplementing with this but is imperative for anyone taking statins to be on it.

Ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10 needed to help your cells take fat and other substances and convert them into usable energy. But if your body cannot convert Co Q10 to ubiquinol, you can come up short on some or all of its benefits.

Hypertension and High Blood Pressure MedicationsIt's important to understand that uncontrolled high blood pressure is a very serious health concern. It can lead to heart disease and increase your risk of having a stroke. It's estimated that high blood pressure affects 90 percent of Americans at one time or another. Like statin drugs, blood pressure drugs are pervasive, with one in three Americans taking them. Of those, an estimated 25 percent are falsely diagnosed! They have what we call "white coat hypertension," meaning they suffer temporary anxiety when at the doctor's office, and as a result, their blood pressure goes up. However, they don't truly suffer from hypertension. When they're given a drug to treat a condition they don't have, it can only cause them harm...
Again, I believe very few people really need them.

Natural strategies are absolutely crucial to address the underlying cause of high blood pressure. Make sure you're getting plenty of high-quality, animal-based omega 3-fats, such as krill oil. Research suggests that as little as 500 mg may lower your total cholesterol and triglycerides, and will likely increase your HDL cholesterol. You'll also want to dramatically reduce grains and sugars in your daily diet, especially fructose, replacing it with healthful fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, organic pastured eggs, and grass-fed meats.
Getting the right amount of regular exercise is another key factor.

If you are currently taking any medications to control your blood pressure, please understand that these drugs are not placebos and most work very effectively to lower your blood pressure. But they don't do it in a way that addresses the cause. So if you stop them, there is a chance your blood pressure will rise very high, and sometimes high enough to cause a stroke. So only wean yourself off your blood pressure medications while under careful professional supervision.

Statin Drugs
The majority of people who use statin drugs for lowering cholesterol are doing so because they've been told it will help prevent heart attacks and strokes. However, just the opposite may be true. There are some 900 studies proving their adverse effects, which run the gamut from muscle problems to increased cancer risk. Many statin drugs have been linked to defects in heart muscle function and even increases in strokes. One study found that statin therapy was associated with decreased myocardial function. This decreased heart muscle function could lead to heart failure.

Dr. Oz is a cardiothoracic surgeon and treats many patients that suffer from the complications of coronary artery disease, and as such is convinced that some people benefit from statins. I take a different position and think that there are only a tiny segment that might benefit, typically those with genetic issues like familial hypercholesterolemia (a condition that causes your body to produce too much cholesterol) or those with very high risk factors. But there is some compelling evidence to suggest that even these groups may not benefit from taking them.

When it comes to the use of antidepressant medication, Dr. Oz is still in somewhat of an allopathic mode—the idea that for nearly every disease or symptom there is a pill that will likely cure it. The conventional approach to treating depression is to prescribe an antidepressant (or two). I firmly believe that antidepressants do more harm than good in most cases of depression.

Dr. Oz seeks to apply natural alternatives like St. John's, SAMe, or tryptophan in lieu of more hazardous antidepressants, but while such supplements are certainly safer, and sometimes effective, you're still not treating the underlying cause of depression. Some will argue that if you're low in serotonin, you might benefit from some tryptophan. But while this may indeed help, you're still not addressing the reason for why you're low in serotonin. There are reasons for that, and once you eliminate the root cause, you won't have to take pills of any kind... I think it's really crucial to address these underlying issues.

As for antidepressants, there's startling evidence and countless research studies that strongly suggest antidepressant drugs simply do not work. Meanwhile, every year, psychiatric drugs kill an estimated 42,000 people—that's an astounding 12,000 more people than commit suicide due to depression.
Rooting Out the Causes of Depression

There are a number of very powerful strategies to address depression. One that has been proven more effective than antidepressants in a number of studies is exercise. Exercise not only relieves depressive symptoms but also appears to prevent them from recurring. Unfortunately, since no one is going to be making tens of billions of dollars on encouraging you to exercise, it has not received the amount of funding for studies that antidepressant drugs have received. However when the studies are performed, exercise continually comes out on top, demonstrating benefits above and beyond what antidepressant drugs can achieve.

Three key mechanisms appear to be that exercise:
Improves insulin receptor sensitivityRegulates serotonin and norepinephrine, two key neurotransmitters in your brain, and"Switches on" genes that increase your brain levels of galanin, a neurotransmitter that helps lessen your body's stress responseYour diet is another key factor that must be addressed. There are well-documented studies showing that animal-based omega-3 fat (DHA) is very useful. I'm a firm believer in krill oil, which is far more effectively absorbed than fish oil. You also want to make sure to optimize your diet, meaning removing sugars, grains and processed foods, and replacing them with healthy fats.

Dr. Mercola Supplements & Health Products

Dr. Oz B12 Deficiency | 5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Know If You're B12 Deficient

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Dr. Oz B12 Deficiency; Dr. Oz investigates how a vitamin B12 deficiency can age you. Find out how to get more Vitamin B12 into your diet to help you feel younger and healthier. You could be missing the superhero of vitamins. Dr. Oz has the latest information on America’s big deficiency. Turn back the clock with nature’s secret weapon! Could this be your fountain of youth?

Insufficient B12 levels can lead to deep fatigue, mood changes, and dementia-like qualities, preventing you from feeling your best and performing at your highest energy level. In the long term, an unchecked vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to permanent nerve damage, which is why it’s important to catch it early. Joining Dr. Oz today is Dr. Katz

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in some foods (animal foods like seafood, poultry, beef, pork and dairy products are the most reliable sources), added to others (like fortified breakfast cereal) and available as a dietary supplement or prescription medication.

Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Dr. Oz's 5 Questions you need to ask yourself to know if you may be B12 Deficient

  • 1. Do You Suffer From An Over All Lack Of Energy
  • 2. Have You Noticed Any Unusual Mood Changes
  • 3. Do You Have Difficulty Concentrating Or Remembering Things
  • 4. Have You Noticed Tingling Or Numbness In Hands Or Feet
  • 5. Has Your Tongue Become Inflamed (look beefy red)

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Dr. Oz said you might have a vitamin B12 Deficiency.

Dr. oz and Dr. Katz went over some of the reasons why you could become vitamin B12 deficient. You could be vitamin B12 deficient because of medications you are taking. Aspirin can irritate the stomach lining and cause B12 deficiency along with medications to reduce stomach acid such as proton pump inhibitors as well as Metformin for diabetes.

Dr. Katz says their not exactly sure why metformin causes B12 deficiency, it somehow has an effect on the intestines and absorption. He went on today that using aspirin, proton pumps or metformin - a combination of these could lead to B12 deficiency.

B12 and folate work together and the real issue with folic acid is that if you have enough folic acid it will mask the effects of B12 deficiency that your doctor would ordinarily see on a blood test. Your blood test will look fine, the problem is it will not fix the effects of B12 on the nervous system. So one of the things that can happen is if your getting lots of folate either from your diet or supplement is B12 deficiency can progress all the way up to effects on the brain causing a dementia syndrome that as noted can mimic alzheimers.

The problem with that is that there is a point that vitamin B12 deficiency is no longer fully reversible. If you don't find it within the first months or a couple of years some of those effects on cognition can persist. A real concern that folate at times may mask B12 deficiency says Dr. Katz.

Naturally occurring folate in foods won't do that because your body won't absorb it, it's the fortified food sources as well as supplements. Dr. Oz said that if you have dementia in your family B12 is something that ought to be checked in that person. Dr. Oz says age is a major risk factor in B12 deficiency and has to do with several factors and it has to do with stomach acid, as we age we don't secrete as much stomach acid. Stomach acid is a key part in how we break off B12 from animal proteins. 30% of people over the age 50 don't secrete enough acid to get all the B12 they need from their diet. Read More On your best sources to boost your vitamin B12 Levels.

Dr. Oz Raspberry Ketone | Oz's Number One Supplement To Burn Fat

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Dr. Oz Raspberry Ketone; Oz's Number One Supplement To Burn Fat: Oz's 5 Fat Busters, 5 Body Types, 5 Days: Today Dr. Oz has a great show lined up for all of us who want to lose the fat. Whether we have a Big Bottom, Big Belly, Big On Top, Big Thighs Or Big All Over, Oz has the solutions.

Plus all of Dr. Oz's Fat Buster Recipes, Pasta Primavera With Chicken, Egg & Cheese Muffin, Tex Mex Salad & Dr. Oz's Protein Drink - Liquid Lunch & White Bean Extract.

Follow this plan for just 5 days, along with implementing an overall healthy diet, and you’ll start to lose weight from your trouble spots.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Bottom

Two-thirds of women have this body shape, the gynaeoid, more commonly known as big bottomed. Studies show that having a big behind is not as dangerous as having belly fat, and may even protect you against deadly illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, your bottom is the first place you gain weight and the toughest area to trim down because your body wants to store this fat as energy.

If you have a large bottom, your diet should be high in complex carbs and protein and low in fat. Oz says this type of diet makes it harder for our body to store unwanted fat on our behind.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big All Over

Fat Buster: Raspberry Ketone Supplement

Dr. Oz says if we are trying to tackle fat all over or simply want to lose weight to consider taking Raspberry Ketone Supplements.

Raspberry ketone, a natural compound found in red raspberries, helps your body to burn fat by breaking up fats within our cells. It contains the hormone adiponectin that boosts metabolism. Dr. Oz recommends raspberry ketone because we’d have to eat 90 pounds of raspberries to get the same effect.

Take 100mg of raspberry ketone at breakfast time. We can start to see results in just 5 days and more dramatic results over time. You can buy Raspberry Ketone Supplements online for about $12. Start with 100MG at breakfast, if your not seeing any change right away take 200 MG at lunch - bigger results the longer you take raspberry ketone supplements

One of Lisa's patients, Lynn took raspberry Ketone supplements for 8 months and what a huge difference and then there was Leslie and 6 months later she looked totally different as well from taking the supplements along with diet and exercise.

Dr. Oz went on to say that by taking the raspberry ketone supplements it tricks your body into thinking it's thin, so hopefully these supplements will get you over the hump.

One of the biggest benefits of raspberry ketone supplements is how quickly it takes effect. Taken at a dose of two tablets a day with a glass of water, and combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, raspberry ketone can produce visible weight loss results in two weeks.

Since it comes from a natural source, raspberry ketone is safe and has no known negative side effects. In fact, the FDA has placed this ingredient in the “generally recognized as safe” category. The proven safety and effectiveness of any product are key factors to making it land on the bestsellers’ list.

The Raspberry Ketone SupplementThe compound has been shown to work well in fat burning and weight loss. But its efficacy is hastened and enhanced when combined with other thermogenic natural ingredients. Among the most well known combination extracts for raspberry ketone are green tea, acai berry, resveratrol and the African Mango. Alone, they are all powerful weight loss products. Combined, they make potent enemies of fats and fat tissues and guarantee a reduction in weight.Raspberry ketone products and their complementary ingredients are all derived from herbal and organic sources, making them safer than their synthetic counterparts. Because they're all natural, they're great for people who want a stimulant-free weight loss product.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster: Red Clover Meal

Have 2 Cups Red Clover Tea - Red clover tea contains isoflavones, which can help regulate estrogen that contributes to fat on your bottom.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster Meal Pasta Primavera With Chicken

Bonus Fat Buster: Firm ButtsTry this nonworkout workout that can raise your basal metabolic rate, the amount of energy your body expends at rest. By sitting on a firm seat, your butt muscles have to work against gravity to create your own cushion, which also stimulates core strength.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Belly

More than 50% of women have excess trunkal fat known as a big belly. Belly Fat is the most dangerous because it increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. By trimming inches from our waistline, we can reduce our risk of diseases by 50%.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster: Belly-Busting CLA Breakfast

This belly-blasting muffin is loaded with MUFAS (monounsaturated fats) which reduce inflammation in the body and help decrease fat storage around the stomach. Dr. Oz says for us to pair it with the supplement conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which can turn belly fat cells off so we can’t store fat anymore.

Try Dr. Oz's Egg & Cheese Muffin Recipe1000mg Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)Bonus Fat Buster: Tomato is not only low in calories, but also is a natural diuretic and can help you get rid of belly bloat.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big on Top (Chest, Arms and Back)

Women who are big on top carry fat in their chest, arms and back and are the android type. Upper body fat is dangerous for your heart. Stress and lack of protein makes this problem area worse. However, the right combination of foods can melt away the extra fat.

Fat Buster: L-Carnitine Lunch Tex Mex Salad

Just like big bellies, people who carry weight in their upper body do well on a diet that emphasizes dairy says Dr. Oz. This Tex Mex Salad recipe has a decadent sour cream topping. Pair up the salad up with 500mg of L-carnitine, which will stimulate growth hormone and help turn on the mechanism that burns off fat in those specific areas. Eat with an orange since vitamin C activates L-carnitine.

Dr. Oz Tex Mex Salad500mg L-carnitine and 1 orange

Bonus Fat Buster: Yoga. Do the Downward Dog pose: Get down on your hands and knees and put your bottom toward the sky. Hold yourself up like this as you lift your body up. This pose can help selectively burn fat in the upper bar of your body. Oz says to do for two minutes each day.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Thighs

Liquid Lunch Protein Drink & White Bean Extract

Oz explained that trying to lose fat on our thighs can be very frustrating since the fat on our thighs is not very metabolically active. Dr. Oz said those of us with big thighs, like those with a big behind do best with a low-fat, high-protein diet to help boost our metabolism.

Fat Buster: Liquid Lunch & White Bean ExtractDr. Oz's protein drink has a secret fat-busting ingredient: white kidney bean extract, it is shown to help prevent carbs from being broken down into sugars and converted into fat in our thighs.

With Kindle Fire, Amazon's digital ambitions burn

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Amazon's unveiling of the Kindle Fire tablet computer sends a bright-hot message: The online retailer is ready to rival iPad maker Apple in an effort to be the world's top digital content provider.It may sound odd coming from a company that pioneered online sales of physical products, selling its first book, Douglas Hofstadter's "Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought," in 1995. But since it first entered the digital market in 2006 with its video download store, Amazon has bet consumers will pay for high-quality digital content.Amazon Kindle FireIn addition to the millions of actual items it sells, which range from toys to toothbrushes, Amazon's trove of digital content now includes more than 1 million e-books, 100,000 movies and TV shows and 17 million songs. This is about 1 million fewer songs than iPad maker Apple Inc. sells, but more than twice as many e-books and many thousands more TV shows and movies.Amazon.com Inc. CEO Jeff Bezos is confident that its content is what will help the Kindle Fire do better than others who have trotted out tablets."The reason they haven't been successful is because they made tablets. They didn't make services," Bezos said in an interview after his company unveiled the tablet at a New York media event Wednesday.Bezos, a 47-year-old former Wall Street money manager, built Amazon on exactly this sort of confidence. He started the company on the theory that a Web-based book store would resonate with consumers, since it seemed like the easiest way to browse millions of titles at once.He was right. The company grew rapidly and Amazon began trading publicly in May 1997, despite never having turned a profit. It took five more years — and the addition of product categories like CDs, DVDs and consumer electronics — before the online retailer reported any net income. These days, Amazon consistently reports strong growth: In the most recent quarter, it earned $191 million on $9.91 billion in revenue.It was Apple that moved into digital content first, however. With the arrival of Apple's iPod digital music player, which first came out in 2001, Apple figured consumers would be willing to pay for legal, high-quality digital music they could download to the devices. Apple became a major player early on, making deals with major record labels to sell digital tunes through its iTunes Store in 2003. Soon the iPod became more multimedia-savvy: Apple added TV shows in 2005 and movie downloads a year later.Amazon soon entered the market itself, rolling out its own digital video downloading service in 2006 and music downloading service a year later.It was in 2007, though, that things really heated up. That's when Amazon rolled out its first Kindle e-reader, upending the book market once again by turning the focus from costly paper books to electronic ones that could be delivered quickly and cheaply to customers on a reading device.The Kindle rapidly grew the company's e-book business, and Amazon said in May that it was selling more e-books than physical copies of books. But the Kindle Fire's ability to show e-books, surf the Web, stream movies and TV shows and support apps positions it as an even better catalyst for Amazon's digital goods sales.The price will probably help, too: When it goes on sale Nov. 15, it will cost $199, which is less than half of the $499 you'll pay for Apple Inc.'s cheapest iPad and $50 less than book seller Barnes & Noble Inc.'s Nook Color e-reader. This leaves buyers with plenty of money left over to spend on content."It's important to remember at the end of the day that Amazon's core business is retailing and this is a way to sell more digital media on a sort of 7-inch vending machine," NPD Group analyst Ross Rubin said.The Kindle Fire, which runs Google Inc.'s Android software, is clearly meant for gobbling up Amazon's digital media in particular. While most Android tablets include access to Google's Android Market for downloading games and apps, the Fire will eschew that in favor of Amazon's own app store. And while the tablet doesn't have much storage space — 8 gigabytes, compared with 16 GB on the cheapest iPad — Amazon is offering users free Web-based storage for any digital content they buy from Amazon.Another weapon in Amazon's arsenal: In hopes of keeping Kindle Fire users purchasing both digital and actual items, the tablet includes a free month of Amazon's premium shipping service, Amazon Prime. Prime, which costs $79 per year, gives users unlimited two-day shipping on any items they buy from Amazon, as well as free access to a library of 11,000 streaming movies and TV shows. This is about half of what Netflix Inc.'s streaming library has.Amazon has never said precisely how many Kindle e-readers it has sold, but its higher sales of e-books than print books indicates it's a strong performer. Given this, and the general popularity of tablets, expectations are high for the Fire.Rubin thinks consumers will become fans of the tablet, saying it offers a more complete media consumption experience than what Barnes & Noble has provided with the Nook Color, which came out last year.Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps thinks Amazon could sell as many as 5 million Fires by the end of the year, but thinks it will probably be closer to 3 million since it's coming out so late. Apple, by comparison, has sold nearly 29 million iPads since it released the first one in April 2010, and over 9 million in the June quarter alone.Of course, in addition to being the new tablet on the block, the Kindle Fire faces other challenges. On the content side, the Amazon Appstore currently includes more than 16,000 apps, but this is just a small fraction of the 425,000 apps in Apple's App Store, over 100,000 of which are tailored specifically for the iPad. On the tablet side, the device's screen is on the small side, which means less space for watching movies and more panning around when surfing the Web. And it will only be able to access the Internet over Wi-Fi, not over wireless carriers' high-speed data networks.Still, Epps believes Amazon's decision to lead with content and services, rather than hardware, will help it prosper with the Kindle Fire."Apple will still be the clear market leader, but Amazon will still be a clear number two because of that strategy," she said.

David Arquette Says Girlfriend Christina McLarty Is 'Adorable'

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McLartyOne year after his split from Courteney Cox, David Arquette is dating again.

"She's adorable," the actor told Howard Stern Thursday of his new girlfriend, Christina McLarty.

McLarty, who was married to Girls Gone Wild's Joe Francis for less than two months in 2010, was first spotted with Arquette at Comic Con in San Diego in late July.

The current Dancing with the Stars contestant told Stern he met McLarty at a "boat party" and that "we try to see each other as much as possible."

"I'm not one to run around with different girls," he said. "I like someone that makes me feel good and that I can make feel good."

And Arquette told PEOPLE just two weeks ago that he was "having fun" in the dating game. "I like relationships. I want to be in one."

Cox and Arquette announced their separation last October, after 11 years of marriage.

29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Dr. Oz: Dr Mercola 's Health Guide | Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Doctor

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Today Dr. Mercola was a guest on The Dr. Oz show Wednesday January 4th 2012. The general theme of the two segments was why you might not want to trust your doctor & Prescription Drugs - Topics covered include vitamin D, CoQ10/Ubiquinol, hypertension, statin drugs, and antidepressants.

Mercola the controversial alternative medicine guru, claims that there are times when you shouldn’t trust your doctor nor should you take certain medications. Dr. Mercola claims that there are times when you shouldn’t trust your doctor nor should you take certain medications.

Dr. Oz claims Dr. Joe Mercola is one of the most controversial figures in the world of alternative medicine and has millions of online followers. However, the government and the mainstream medical establishment see many of his unconventional views as misleading and possibly even damaging to your health.

Read More On Segment on Dr. Oz & Dr. Mercola Wednesday January 4 2012 - The Prescription Drugs Dr. Mercola Doesn’t Want You to Take-Statins, Blood Pressure-lowering Drugs & Antidepressants In case You Missed It!

Dr. Mercola wrote this article that has more in-depth information on the topics covered on the show.

The Dr. Oz Show: Dr. Mercola - 'Information I Couldn't Share'

DrMercola.Com: Dr. Mercola Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the most crucial nutrients for a healthy life. The powerful "sunshine vitamin" is becoming increasingly well-known for its many phenomenal benefits, including protection from colds and flu, diabetes, MS, cancer, and a wide variety of other ailments.
While a lot of the focus on vitamin D ends up being about vitamin D supplementation, the IDEAL way to optimize your vitamin D levels is not by taking a pill, but rather allowing your body to do what it was designed to do—create vitamin D from appropriate sun exposure. In a recent interview, Dr. Stephanie Seneff really brought the importance of getting your vitamin D from sun exposure to the forefront. While I've consistently recommended getting your vitamin D from regular sun exposure whenever possible, her input really convinced me of the wisdom of this natural strategy.

She believes that when your skin is exposed to sunshine, it synthesizes not only vitamin D3, but also vitamin D3 sulfate.
Your sulfur levels are intricately tied to your cholesterol levels, and play an important role in the prevention of heart disease. So getting regular sun exposure has much greater health ramifications than "just" raising your vitamin D levels and preventing infections. Sun exposure also appears to play a role in heart and cardiovascular health, and much more!

The sulfated vitamin D formed in your skin in response to sun exposure is water soluble, unlike an oral vitamin D3 supplement, which is unsulfated. The water soluble form can travel freely in your blood stream, whereas the unsulfated form needs LDL (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) as a vehicle of transport. Dr. Seneff's suspicion is that the oral non-sulfated form of vitamin D may therefore not provide all of the same benefits as the sulfated form, because it cannot be converted to vitamin D sulfate...

As I said on the Dr. Oz show, if you cannot get your vitamin D requirements from sun exposure, I recommend using a safe tanning bed (one with electronic ballasts rather than magnetic ballasts, to avoid unnecessary exposure to EMF fields). Safe tanning beds also have less of the dangerous UVA than sunlight, while unsafe ones have more UVA than sunlight. If neither of these are feasible options, then you should take an oral vitamin D3 supplement. It will definitely be better than no vitamin D at all.

Vitamin D Serum Levels and Dosages
Some 40 leading vitamin D experts from around the world currently agree that the most important factor when it comes to vitamin D is your serum level. So you really should be taking whatever dosage required to obtain a therapeutic level of vitamin D in your blood.
However, while there is no specific dosage level at which "magic" happens, based on the most recent research by GrassrootsHealth—an organization that has greatly contributed to the current knowledge on vitamin D through their D* Action Study—it appears as though most adults need about 8,000 IU's of vitamin D a day in order to get their serum levels above 40 ng/ml. This is significantly higher than previously recommended! For children, many experts agree they need about 35 IU's of vitamin D per pound of body weight.

At the time GrassrootsHealth performed the studies that resulted in this increased dosage recommendation, the optimal serum level was believed to be between 40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). Since then, the optimal vitamin D level has been raised to 50-70 ng/ml, and when treating cancer or heart disease, as high as 70-100 ng/ml.

Ubiquinol/Co Q10
If you're over 25, your body becomes increasingly challenged to convert oxidized CoQ10 to ubiquinol. Why is that important? Well, ubiquinol is one of the single most crucial nutrients for energizing every cell in your body. It is especially useful for protecting your mitochondria, which supply most of your body's energy currency in the form of ATP. I believe virtually everyone over 30 benefits from supplementing with this but is imperative for anyone taking statins to be on it.

Ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10 needed to help your cells take fat and other substances and convert them into usable energy. But if your body cannot convert Co Q10 to ubiquinol, you can come up short on some or all of its benefits.

Hypertension and High Blood Pressure MedicationsIt's important to understand that uncontrolled high blood pressure is a very serious health concern. It can lead to heart disease and increase your risk of having a stroke. It's estimated that high blood pressure affects 90 percent of Americans at one time or another. Like statin drugs, blood pressure drugs are pervasive, with one in three Americans taking them. Of those, an estimated 25 percent are falsely diagnosed! They have what we call "white coat hypertension," meaning they suffer temporary anxiety when at the doctor's office, and as a result, their blood pressure goes up. However, they don't truly suffer from hypertension. When they're given a drug to treat a condition they don't have, it can only cause them harm...
Again, I believe very few people really need them.

Natural strategies are absolutely crucial to address the underlying cause of high blood pressure. Make sure you're getting plenty of high-quality, animal-based omega 3-fats, such as krill oil. Research suggests that as little as 500 mg may lower your total cholesterol and triglycerides, and will likely increase your HDL cholesterol. You'll also want to dramatically reduce grains and sugars in your daily diet, especially fructose, replacing it with healthful fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, organic pastured eggs, and grass-fed meats.
Getting the right amount of regular exercise is another key factor.

If you are currently taking any medications to control your blood pressure, please understand that these drugs are not placebos and most work very effectively to lower your blood pressure. But they don't do it in a way that addresses the cause. So if you stop them, there is a chance your blood pressure will rise very high, and sometimes high enough to cause a stroke. So only wean yourself off your blood pressure medications while under careful professional supervision.

Statin Drugs
The majority of people who use statin drugs for lowering cholesterol are doing so because they've been told it will help prevent heart attacks and strokes. However, just the opposite may be true. There are some 900 studies proving their adverse effects, which run the gamut from muscle problems to increased cancer risk. Many statin drugs have been linked to defects in heart muscle function and even increases in strokes. One study found that statin therapy was associated with decreased myocardial function. This decreased heart muscle function could lead to heart failure.

Dr. Oz is a cardiothoracic surgeon and treats many patients that suffer from the complications of coronary artery disease, and as such is convinced that some people benefit from statins. I take a different position and think that there are only a tiny segment that might benefit, typically those with genetic issues like familial hypercholesterolemia (a condition that causes your body to produce too much cholesterol) or those with very high risk factors. But there is some compelling evidence to suggest that even these groups may not benefit from taking them.

When it comes to the use of antidepressant medication, Dr. Oz is still in somewhat of an allopathic mode—the idea that for nearly every disease or symptom there is a pill that will likely cure it. The conventional approach to treating depression is to prescribe an antidepressant (or two). I firmly believe that antidepressants do more harm than good in most cases of depression.

Dr. Oz seeks to apply natural alternatives like St. John's, SAMe, or tryptophan in lieu of more hazardous antidepressants, but while such supplements are certainly safer, and sometimes effective, you're still not treating the underlying cause of depression. Some will argue that if you're low in serotonin, you might benefit from some tryptophan. But while this may indeed help, you're still not addressing the reason for why you're low in serotonin. There are reasons for that, and once you eliminate the root cause, you won't have to take pills of any kind... I think it's really crucial to address these underlying issues.

As for antidepressants, there's startling evidence and countless research studies that strongly suggest antidepressant drugs simply do not work. Meanwhile, every year, psychiatric drugs kill an estimated 42,000 people—that's an astounding 12,000 more people than commit suicide due to depression.
Rooting Out the Causes of Depression

There are a number of very powerful strategies to address depression. One that has been proven more effective than antidepressants in a number of studies is exercise. Exercise not only relieves depressive symptoms but also appears to prevent them from recurring. Unfortunately, since no one is going to be making tens of billions of dollars on encouraging you to exercise, it has not received the amount of funding for studies that antidepressant drugs have received. However when the studies are performed, exercise continually comes out on top, demonstrating benefits above and beyond what antidepressant drugs can achieve.

Three key mechanisms appear to be that exercise:
Improves insulin receptor sensitivityRegulates serotonin and norepinephrine, two key neurotransmitters in your brain, and"Switches on" genes that increase your brain levels of galanin, a neurotransmitter that helps lessen your body's stress responseYour diet is another key factor that must be addressed. There are well-documented studies showing that animal-based omega-3 fat (DHA) is very useful. I'm a firm believer in krill oil, which is far more effectively absorbed than fish oil. You also want to make sure to optimize your diet, meaning removing sugars, grains and processed foods, and replacing them with healthy fats.

Dr. Mercola Supplements & Health Products

Dr. Oz B12 Deficiency | 5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Know If You're B12 Deficient

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Dr. Oz B12 Deficiency; Dr. Oz investigates how a vitamin B12 deficiency can age you. Find out how to get more Vitamin B12 into your diet to help you feel younger and healthier. You could be missing the superhero of vitamins. Dr. Oz has the latest information on America’s big deficiency. Turn back the clock with nature’s secret weapon! Could this be your fountain of youth?

Insufficient B12 levels can lead to deep fatigue, mood changes, and dementia-like qualities, preventing you from feeling your best and performing at your highest energy level. In the long term, an unchecked vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to permanent nerve damage, which is why it’s important to catch it early. Joining Dr. Oz today is Dr. Katz

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in some foods (animal foods like seafood, poultry, beef, pork and dairy products are the most reliable sources), added to others (like fortified breakfast cereal) and available as a dietary supplement or prescription medication.

Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Dr. Oz's 5 Questions you need to ask yourself to know if you may be B12 Deficient

  • 1. Do You Suffer From An Over All Lack Of Energy
  • 2. Have You Noticed Any Unusual Mood Changes
  • 3. Do You Have Difficulty Concentrating Or Remembering Things
  • 4. Have You Noticed Tingling Or Numbness In Hands Or Feet
  • 5. Has Your Tongue Become Inflamed (look beefy red)

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Dr. Oz said you might have a vitamin B12 Deficiency.

Dr. oz and Dr. Katz went over some of the reasons why you could become vitamin B12 deficient. You could be vitamin B12 deficient because of medications you are taking. Aspirin can irritate the stomach lining and cause B12 deficiency along with medications to reduce stomach acid such as proton pump inhibitors as well as Metformin for diabetes.

Dr. Katz says their not exactly sure why metformin causes B12 deficiency, it somehow has an effect on the intestines and absorption. He went on today that using aspirin, proton pumps or metformin - a combination of these could lead to B12 deficiency.

B12 and folate work together and the real issue with folic acid is that if you have enough folic acid it will mask the effects of B12 deficiency that your doctor would ordinarily see on a blood test. Your blood test will look fine, the problem is it will not fix the effects of B12 on the nervous system. So one of the things that can happen is if your getting lots of folate either from your diet or supplement is B12 deficiency can progress all the way up to effects on the brain causing a dementia syndrome that as noted can mimic alzheimers.

The problem with that is that there is a point that vitamin B12 deficiency is no longer fully reversible. If you don't find it within the first months or a couple of years some of those effects on cognition can persist. A real concern that folate at times may mask B12 deficiency says Dr. Katz.

Naturally occurring folate in foods won't do that because your body won't absorb it, it's the fortified food sources as well as supplements. Dr. Oz said that if you have dementia in your family B12 is something that ought to be checked in that person. Dr. Oz says age is a major risk factor in B12 deficiency and has to do with several factors and it has to do with stomach acid, as we age we don't secrete as much stomach acid. Stomach acid is a key part in how we break off B12 from animal proteins. 30% of people over the age 50 don't secrete enough acid to get all the B12 they need from their diet. Read More On your best sources to boost your vitamin B12 Levels.

Dr. Oz Raspberry Ketone | Oz's Number One Supplement To Burn Fat

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Dr. Oz Raspberry Ketone; Oz's Number One Supplement To Burn Fat: Oz's 5 Fat Busters, 5 Body Types, 5 Days: Today Dr. Oz has a great show lined up for all of us who want to lose the fat. Whether we have a Big Bottom, Big Belly, Big On Top, Big Thighs Or Big All Over, Oz has the solutions.

Plus all of Dr. Oz's Fat Buster Recipes, Pasta Primavera With Chicken, Egg & Cheese Muffin, Tex Mex Salad & Dr. Oz's Protein Drink - Liquid Lunch & White Bean Extract.

Follow this plan for just 5 days, along with implementing an overall healthy diet, and you’ll start to lose weight from your trouble spots.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Bottom

Two-thirds of women have this body shape, the gynaeoid, more commonly known as big bottomed. Studies show that having a big behind is not as dangerous as having belly fat, and may even protect you against deadly illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, your bottom is the first place you gain weight and the toughest area to trim down because your body wants to store this fat as energy.

If you have a large bottom, your diet should be high in complex carbs and protein and low in fat. Oz says this type of diet makes it harder for our body to store unwanted fat on our behind.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big All Over

Fat Buster: Raspberry Ketone Supplement

Dr. Oz says if we are trying to tackle fat all over or simply want to lose weight to consider taking Raspberry Ketone Supplements.

Raspberry ketone, a natural compound found in red raspberries, helps your body to burn fat by breaking up fats within our cells. It contains the hormone adiponectin that boosts metabolism. Dr. Oz recommends raspberry ketone because we’d have to eat 90 pounds of raspberries to get the same effect.

Take 100mg of raspberry ketone at breakfast time. We can start to see results in just 5 days and more dramatic results over time. You can buy Raspberry Ketone Supplements online for about $12. Start with 100MG at breakfast, if your not seeing any change right away take 200 MG at lunch - bigger results the longer you take raspberry ketone supplements

One of Lisa's patients, Lynn took raspberry Ketone supplements for 8 months and what a huge difference and then there was Leslie and 6 months later she looked totally different as well from taking the supplements along with diet and exercise.

Dr. Oz went on to say that by taking the raspberry ketone supplements it tricks your body into thinking it's thin, so hopefully these supplements will get you over the hump.

One of the biggest benefits of raspberry ketone supplements is how quickly it takes effect. Taken at a dose of two tablets a day with a glass of water, and combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, raspberry ketone can produce visible weight loss results in two weeks.

Since it comes from a natural source, raspberry ketone is safe and has no known negative side effects. In fact, the FDA has placed this ingredient in the “generally recognized as safe” category. The proven safety and effectiveness of any product are key factors to making it land on the bestsellers’ list.

The Raspberry Ketone SupplementThe compound has been shown to work well in fat burning and weight loss. But its efficacy is hastened and enhanced when combined with other thermogenic natural ingredients. Among the most well known combination extracts for raspberry ketone are green tea, acai berry, resveratrol and the African Mango. Alone, they are all powerful weight loss products. Combined, they make potent enemies of fats and fat tissues and guarantee a reduction in weight.Raspberry ketone products and their complementary ingredients are all derived from herbal and organic sources, making them safer than their synthetic counterparts. Because they're all natural, they're great for people who want a stimulant-free weight loss product.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster: Red Clover Meal

Have 2 Cups Red Clover Tea - Red clover tea contains isoflavones, which can help regulate estrogen that contributes to fat on your bottom.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster Meal Pasta Primavera With Chicken

Bonus Fat Buster: Firm ButtsTry this nonworkout workout that can raise your basal metabolic rate, the amount of energy your body expends at rest. By sitting on a firm seat, your butt muscles have to work against gravity to create your own cushion, which also stimulates core strength.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Belly

More than 50% of women have excess trunkal fat known as a big belly. Belly Fat is the most dangerous because it increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. By trimming inches from our waistline, we can reduce our risk of diseases by 50%.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster: Belly-Busting CLA Breakfast

This belly-blasting muffin is loaded with MUFAS (monounsaturated fats) which reduce inflammation in the body and help decrease fat storage around the stomach. Dr. Oz says for us to pair it with the supplement conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which can turn belly fat cells off so we can’t store fat anymore.

Try Dr. Oz's Egg & Cheese Muffin Recipe1000mg Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)Bonus Fat Buster: Tomato is not only low in calories, but also is a natural diuretic and can help you get rid of belly bloat.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big on Top (Chest, Arms and Back)

Women who are big on top carry fat in their chest, arms and back and are the android type. Upper body fat is dangerous for your heart. Stress and lack of protein makes this problem area worse. However, the right combination of foods can melt away the extra fat.

Fat Buster: L-Carnitine Lunch Tex Mex Salad

Just like big bellies, people who carry weight in their upper body do well on a diet that emphasizes dairy says Dr. Oz. This Tex Mex Salad recipe has a decadent sour cream topping. Pair up the salad up with 500mg of L-carnitine, which will stimulate growth hormone and help turn on the mechanism that burns off fat in those specific areas. Eat with an orange since vitamin C activates L-carnitine.

Dr. Oz Tex Mex Salad500mg L-carnitine and 1 orange

Bonus Fat Buster: Yoga. Do the Downward Dog pose: Get down on your hands and knees and put your bottom toward the sky. Hold yourself up like this as you lift your body up. This pose can help selectively burn fat in the upper bar of your body. Oz says to do for two minutes each day.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Thighs

Liquid Lunch Protein Drink & White Bean Extract

Oz explained that trying to lose fat on our thighs can be very frustrating since the fat on our thighs is not very metabolically active. Dr. Oz said those of us with big thighs, like those with a big behind do best with a low-fat, high-protein diet to help boost our metabolism.

Fat Buster: Liquid Lunch & White Bean ExtractDr. Oz's protein drink has a secret fat-busting ingredient: white kidney bean extract, it is shown to help prevent carbs from being broken down into sugars and converted into fat in our thighs.

With Kindle Fire, Amazon's digital ambitions burn

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Amazon's unveiling of the Kindle Fire tablet computer sends a bright-hot message: The online retailer is ready to rival iPad maker Apple in an effort to be the world's top digital content provider.It may sound odd coming from a company that pioneered online sales of physical products, selling its first book, Douglas Hofstadter's "Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought," in 1995. But since it first entered the digital market in 2006 with its video download store, Amazon has bet consumers will pay for high-quality digital content.Amazon Kindle FireIn addition to the millions of actual items it sells, which range from toys to toothbrushes, Amazon's trove of digital content now includes more than 1 million e-books, 100,000 movies and TV shows and 17 million songs. This is about 1 million fewer songs than iPad maker Apple Inc. sells, but more than twice as many e-books and many thousands more TV shows and movies.Amazon.com Inc. CEO Jeff Bezos is confident that its content is what will help the Kindle Fire do better than others who have trotted out tablets."The reason they haven't been successful is because they made tablets. They didn't make services," Bezos said in an interview after his company unveiled the tablet at a New York media event Wednesday.Bezos, a 47-year-old former Wall Street money manager, built Amazon on exactly this sort of confidence. He started the company on the theory that a Web-based book store would resonate with consumers, since it seemed like the easiest way to browse millions of titles at once.He was right. The company grew rapidly and Amazon began trading publicly in May 1997, despite never having turned a profit. It took five more years — and the addition of product categories like CDs, DVDs and consumer electronics — before the online retailer reported any net income. These days, Amazon consistently reports strong growth: In the most recent quarter, it earned $191 million on $9.91 billion in revenue.It was Apple that moved into digital content first, however. With the arrival of Apple's iPod digital music player, which first came out in 2001, Apple figured consumers would be willing to pay for legal, high-quality digital music they could download to the devices. Apple became a major player early on, making deals with major record labels to sell digital tunes through its iTunes Store in 2003. Soon the iPod became more multimedia-savvy: Apple added TV shows in 2005 and movie downloads a year later.Amazon soon entered the market itself, rolling out its own digital video downloading service in 2006 and music downloading service a year later.It was in 2007, though, that things really heated up. That's when Amazon rolled out its first Kindle e-reader, upending the book market once again by turning the focus from costly paper books to electronic ones that could be delivered quickly and cheaply to customers on a reading device.The Kindle rapidly grew the company's e-book business, and Amazon said in May that it was selling more e-books than physical copies of books. But the Kindle Fire's ability to show e-books, surf the Web, stream movies and TV shows and support apps positions it as an even better catalyst for Amazon's digital goods sales.The price will probably help, too: When it goes on sale Nov. 15, it will cost $199, which is less than half of the $499 you'll pay for Apple Inc.'s cheapest iPad and $50 less than book seller Barnes & Noble Inc.'s Nook Color e-reader. This leaves buyers with plenty of money left over to spend on content."It's important to remember at the end of the day that Amazon's core business is retailing and this is a way to sell more digital media on a sort of 7-inch vending machine," NPD Group analyst Ross Rubin said.The Kindle Fire, which runs Google Inc.'s Android software, is clearly meant for gobbling up Amazon's digital media in particular. While most Android tablets include access to Google's Android Market for downloading games and apps, the Fire will eschew that in favor of Amazon's own app store. And while the tablet doesn't have much storage space — 8 gigabytes, compared with 16 GB on the cheapest iPad — Amazon is offering users free Web-based storage for any digital content they buy from Amazon.Another weapon in Amazon's arsenal: In hopes of keeping Kindle Fire users purchasing both digital and actual items, the tablet includes a free month of Amazon's premium shipping service, Amazon Prime. Prime, which costs $79 per year, gives users unlimited two-day shipping on any items they buy from Amazon, as well as free access to a library of 11,000 streaming movies and TV shows. This is about half of what Netflix Inc.'s streaming library has.Amazon has never said precisely how many Kindle e-readers it has sold, but its higher sales of e-books than print books indicates it's a strong performer. Given this, and the general popularity of tablets, expectations are high for the Fire.Rubin thinks consumers will become fans of the tablet, saying it offers a more complete media consumption experience than what Barnes & Noble has provided with the Nook Color, which came out last year.Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps thinks Amazon could sell as many as 5 million Fires by the end of the year, but thinks it will probably be closer to 3 million since it's coming out so late. Apple, by comparison, has sold nearly 29 million iPads since it released the first one in April 2010, and over 9 million in the June quarter alone.Of course, in addition to being the new tablet on the block, the Kindle Fire faces other challenges. On the content side, the Amazon Appstore currently includes more than 16,000 apps, but this is just a small fraction of the 425,000 apps in Apple's App Store, over 100,000 of which are tailored specifically for the iPad. On the tablet side, the device's screen is on the small side, which means less space for watching movies and more panning around when surfing the Web. And it will only be able to access the Internet over Wi-Fi, not over wireless carriers' high-speed data networks.Still, Epps believes Amazon's decision to lead with content and services, rather than hardware, will help it prosper with the Kindle Fire."Apple will still be the clear market leader, but Amazon will still be a clear number two because of that strategy," she said.

David Arquette Says Girlfriend Christina McLarty Is 'Adorable'

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McLartyOne year after his split from Courteney Cox, David Arquette is dating again.

"She's adorable," the actor told Howard Stern Thursday of his new girlfriend, Christina McLarty.

McLarty, who was married to Girls Gone Wild's Joe Francis for less than two months in 2010, was first spotted with Arquette at Comic Con in San Diego in late July.

The current Dancing with the Stars contestant told Stern he met McLarty at a "boat party" and that "we try to see each other as much as possible."

"I'm not one to run around with different girls," he said. "I like someone that makes me feel good and that I can make feel good."

And Arquette told PEOPLE just two weeks ago that he was "having fun" in the dating game. "I like relationships. I want to be in one."

Cox and Arquette announced their separation last October, after 11 years of marriage.

28 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Dr Oz: SafSlim Montel Williams Safflower Oil Supplement

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Dr. Oz: Montel Williams Safslim; Safflower Oil For Belly Fat. Montel Williams' Favorite Belly Fat-Blasting Supplements. Today on Dr Oz Montel Williams, MS sufferer, and health advocate, revealed how SafSlim transformed his body on Dr Oz show.

SafSlim is a safflower supplement that has helped Montel lose inches off his waist without changing anything else. Taken before meals, it helps to reduce his appetite and cravings for sugar.

Best Price Nutrition: Dr Oz brought back Montel Williams to give his Dr Oz Fans a cutting-edge supplement that may just give you a new way to think about dieting. According to Montel, SafSlim, which is a supplement that contains saffron oil, will help you blast away that gut and trim it up before you can say belly blaster! SafSlim is sold on television and coast-to-coast and is endorsed by popular ex-tv talk show host, Montel Williams, who stated the product transformed his body. The recommendation is to take 1 tbsp twice daily before meals.

Dr. Oz: Montel Williams Safslim | Safflower Oil For Belly Fat

Dr. Oz said he is not endorsing Montel William's Safslim product, but does safflower oil work? Oz said in his opinion according to data, yes safflower oil works.

Dr. Oz said to try safflower supplements for 3 months, try in any of the ways he decries below, he is trying it with sunflower seeds because he loves them, but he also said feel free to try the oil or Montel's Saflim product. The smart thing we can all do is to change from trans / saturated fats (fats that come from things that has faces and walks on land) to safflower oil.

Today Montel Williams joined Dr. Oz and the talk is Safflower and how it is making a comeback. Safflower is one of the worlds oldest plants discovered in Egypt over 4000 years ago. Today you can buy safflower in many forms from safflower cooking oil to safflower supplements.

Some researchers said that safflower can take inches of your waist size without any exercise. By blasting stubborn belly fat and curbing your appetite.

Montel Williams is so convinced about Safflower oil he became a paid spokesperson for Safslim.

Does Safslim work? Is it safe? Has Montel stubbled upon the belly blaster that will change your body forever.

Safflower To Help Lose Inches Off Your Waist

To start off Montel thanked Dr. Oz for kicking butt on the topic of arsenic in apple juice segments.

Dr. Oz and Montel had got together after a prior show when Montel brought safslim to Dr. Oz's attention, which led Dr. Oz to doing his homework and said that at first glance it looked to good to be true.

Montel said he got this product Safslim nine months ago - he used it for 11 weeks, and in those 11 weeks he lost 2 inches of his waist and never changed a thing about eating habits or lifestyle.

Montel works out everyday and on a healthy eating plan already and claims the safslim gave him that little extra boost.

While travelling he went off the Safslim for about 30 days, and when he got home he found that he he had gained an inch back on his waist. Once home he started the safflower supplement again and within 7 days it was gone.

He had another period of time he couldn't take the supplements and the inch came back, so he started it again and within days he lost an inch.

Montel called the president of the company and asked to be the spokesperson for Safslim, so Oz and Montel had a shot of the safflower supplement and apparently it is creamy and tastes like a sherbet popsicle. You take two tablespoons of it a day and you take it a half an hour before you eat.

1. You can also get safflower oil supplements - Look for about 6 Grams of Linleic Acid2. 2 teaspoons of safelower oil daily - Look for 7-10G polyunsaturated fat per serving3. Try sunflower seeds - 3 teaspoons daily

As this segment moved on Dr. Martha Belury joined Dr. Oz and Montel Williams on stage to help explain where the fat goes from taking Safslim. A study was done on Safslim and apparently in the study nobody lost weight, so Oz askes what happened to the belly fat, where did it go?

Women in the study did not lose weight but lost belly fat in the trunk region, and an increased body muscle mass. What this oil does is tricks the fats cells to giving up their fat. I'm Convinced!

Dr. David Katz does not believe that safflower oil blasts belly fat

Dr. Caroline Apovian says yes that it does blast belly fat

Dr. Michael Roizen says no he wouldn't bother

Dr. Russell Greenfield said maybe safflower oil could blast belly fat

Dr. Oz: Dr Mercola 's Health Guide | Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Doctor

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Today Dr. Mercola was a guest on The Dr. Oz show Wednesday January 4th 2012. The general theme of the two segments was why you might not want to trust your doctor & Prescription Drugs - Topics covered include vitamin D, CoQ10/Ubiquinol, hypertension, statin drugs, and antidepressants.

Mercola the controversial alternative medicine guru, claims that there are times when you shouldn’t trust your doctor nor should you take certain medications. Dr. Mercola claims that there are times when you shouldn’t trust your doctor nor should you take certain medications.

Dr. Oz claims Dr. Joe Mercola is one of the most controversial figures in the world of alternative medicine and has millions of online followers. However, the government and the mainstream medical establishment see many of his unconventional views as misleading and possibly even damaging to your health.

Read More On Segment on Dr. Oz & Dr. Mercola Wednesday January 4 2012 - The Prescription Drugs Dr. Mercola Doesn’t Want You to Take-Statins, Blood Pressure-lowering Drugs & Antidepressants In case You Missed It!

Dr. Mercola wrote this article that has more in-depth information on the topics covered on the show.

The Dr. Oz Show: Dr. Mercola - 'Information I Couldn't Share'

DrMercola.Com: Dr. Mercola Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the most crucial nutrients for a healthy life. The powerful "sunshine vitamin" is becoming increasingly well-known for its many phenomenal benefits, including protection from colds and flu, diabetes, MS, cancer, and a wide variety of other ailments.
While a lot of the focus on vitamin D ends up being about vitamin D supplementation, the IDEAL way to optimize your vitamin D levels is not by taking a pill, but rather allowing your body to do what it was designed to do—create vitamin D from appropriate sun exposure. In a recent interview, Dr. Stephanie Seneff really brought the importance of getting your vitamin D from sun exposure to the forefront. While I've consistently recommended getting your vitamin D from regular sun exposure whenever possible, her input really convinced me of the wisdom of this natural strategy.

She believes that when your skin is exposed to sunshine, it synthesizes not only vitamin D3, but also vitamin D3 sulfate.
Your sulfur levels are intricately tied to your cholesterol levels, and play an important role in the prevention of heart disease. So getting regular sun exposure has much greater health ramifications than "just" raising your vitamin D levels and preventing infections. Sun exposure also appears to play a role in heart and cardiovascular health, and much more!

The sulfated vitamin D formed in your skin in response to sun exposure is water soluble, unlike an oral vitamin D3 supplement, which is unsulfated. The water soluble form can travel freely in your blood stream, whereas the unsulfated form needs LDL (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) as a vehicle of transport. Dr. Seneff's suspicion is that the oral non-sulfated form of vitamin D may therefore not provide all of the same benefits as the sulfated form, because it cannot be converted to vitamin D sulfate...

As I said on the Dr. Oz show, if you cannot get your vitamin D requirements from sun exposure, I recommend using a safe tanning bed (one with electronic ballasts rather than magnetic ballasts, to avoid unnecessary exposure to EMF fields). Safe tanning beds also have less of the dangerous UVA than sunlight, while unsafe ones have more UVA than sunlight. If neither of these are feasible options, then you should take an oral vitamin D3 supplement. It will definitely be better than no vitamin D at all.

Vitamin D Serum Levels and Dosages
Some 40 leading vitamin D experts from around the world currently agree that the most important factor when it comes to vitamin D is your serum level. So you really should be taking whatever dosage required to obtain a therapeutic level of vitamin D in your blood.
However, while there is no specific dosage level at which "magic" happens, based on the most recent research by GrassrootsHealth—an organization that has greatly contributed to the current knowledge on vitamin D through their D* Action Study—it appears as though most adults need about 8,000 IU's of vitamin D a day in order to get their serum levels above 40 ng/ml. This is significantly higher than previously recommended! For children, many experts agree they need about 35 IU's of vitamin D per pound of body weight.

At the time GrassrootsHealth performed the studies that resulted in this increased dosage recommendation, the optimal serum level was believed to be between 40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). Since then, the optimal vitamin D level has been raised to 50-70 ng/ml, and when treating cancer or heart disease, as high as 70-100 ng/ml.

Ubiquinol/Co Q10
If you're over 25, your body becomes increasingly challenged to convert oxidized CoQ10 to ubiquinol. Why is that important? Well, ubiquinol is one of the single most crucial nutrients for energizing every cell in your body. It is especially useful for protecting your mitochondria, which supply most of your body's energy currency in the form of ATP. I believe virtually everyone over 30 benefits from supplementing with this but is imperative for anyone taking statins to be on it.

Ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10 needed to help your cells take fat and other substances and convert them into usable energy. But if your body cannot convert Co Q10 to ubiquinol, you can come up short on some or all of its benefits.

Hypertension and High Blood Pressure MedicationsIt's important to understand that uncontrolled high blood pressure is a very serious health concern. It can lead to heart disease and increase your risk of having a stroke. It's estimated that high blood pressure affects 90 percent of Americans at one time or another. Like statin drugs, blood pressure drugs are pervasive, with one in three Americans taking them. Of those, an estimated 25 percent are falsely diagnosed! They have what we call "white coat hypertension," meaning they suffer temporary anxiety when at the doctor's office, and as a result, their blood pressure goes up. However, they don't truly suffer from hypertension. When they're given a drug to treat a condition they don't have, it can only cause them harm...
Again, I believe very few people really need them.

Natural strategies are absolutely crucial to address the underlying cause of high blood pressure. Make sure you're getting plenty of high-quality, animal-based omega 3-fats, such as krill oil. Research suggests that as little as 500 mg may lower your total cholesterol and triglycerides, and will likely increase your HDL cholesterol. You'll also want to dramatically reduce grains and sugars in your daily diet, especially fructose, replacing it with healthful fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, organic pastured eggs, and grass-fed meats.
Getting the right amount of regular exercise is another key factor.

If you are currently taking any medications to control your blood pressure, please understand that these drugs are not placebos and most work very effectively to lower your blood pressure. But they don't do it in a way that addresses the cause. So if you stop them, there is a chance your blood pressure will rise very high, and sometimes high enough to cause a stroke. So only wean yourself off your blood pressure medications while under careful professional supervision.

Statin Drugs
The majority of people who use statin drugs for lowering cholesterol are doing so because they've been told it will help prevent heart attacks and strokes. However, just the opposite may be true. There are some 900 studies proving their adverse effects, which run the gamut from muscle problems to increased cancer risk. Many statin drugs have been linked to defects in heart muscle function and even increases in strokes. One study found that statin therapy was associated with decreased myocardial function. This decreased heart muscle function could lead to heart failure.

Dr. Oz is a cardiothoracic surgeon and treats many patients that suffer from the complications of coronary artery disease, and as such is convinced that some people benefit from statins. I take a different position and think that there are only a tiny segment that might benefit, typically those with genetic issues like familial hypercholesterolemia (a condition that causes your body to produce too much cholesterol) or those with very high risk factors. But there is some compelling evidence to suggest that even these groups may not benefit from taking them.

When it comes to the use of antidepressant medication, Dr. Oz is still in somewhat of an allopathic mode—the idea that for nearly every disease or symptom there is a pill that will likely cure it. The conventional approach to treating depression is to prescribe an antidepressant (or two). I firmly believe that antidepressants do more harm than good in most cases of depression.

Dr. Oz seeks to apply natural alternatives like St. John's, SAMe, or tryptophan in lieu of more hazardous antidepressants, but while such supplements are certainly safer, and sometimes effective, you're still not treating the underlying cause of depression. Some will argue that if you're low in serotonin, you might benefit from some tryptophan. But while this may indeed help, you're still not addressing the reason for why you're low in serotonin. There are reasons for that, and once you eliminate the root cause, you won't have to take pills of any kind... I think it's really crucial to address these underlying issues.

As for antidepressants, there's startling evidence and countless research studies that strongly suggest antidepressant drugs simply do not work. Meanwhile, every year, psychiatric drugs kill an estimated 42,000 people—that's an astounding 12,000 more people than commit suicide due to depression.
Rooting Out the Causes of Depression

There are a number of very powerful strategies to address depression. One that has been proven more effective than antidepressants in a number of studies is exercise. Exercise not only relieves depressive symptoms but also appears to prevent them from recurring. Unfortunately, since no one is going to be making tens of billions of dollars on encouraging you to exercise, it has not received the amount of funding for studies that antidepressant drugs have received. However when the studies are performed, exercise continually comes out on top, demonstrating benefits above and beyond what antidepressant drugs can achieve.

Three key mechanisms appear to be that exercise:
Improves insulin receptor sensitivityRegulates serotonin and norepinephrine, two key neurotransmitters in your brain, and"Switches on" genes that increase your brain levels of galanin, a neurotransmitter that helps lessen your body's stress responseYour diet is another key factor that must be addressed. There are well-documented studies showing that animal-based omega-3 fat (DHA) is very useful. I'm a firm believer in krill oil, which is far more effectively absorbed than fish oil. You also want to make sure to optimize your diet, meaning removing sugars, grains and processed foods, and replacing them with healthy fats.

Dr. Mercola Supplements & Health Products

Dr. Oz B12 Deficiency | 5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Know If You're B12 Deficient

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Dr. Oz B12 Deficiency; Dr. Oz investigates how a vitamin B12 deficiency can age you. Find out how to get more Vitamin B12 into your diet to help you feel younger and healthier. You could be missing the superhero of vitamins. Dr. Oz has the latest information on America’s big deficiency. Turn back the clock with nature’s secret weapon! Could this be your fountain of youth?

Insufficient B12 levels can lead to deep fatigue, mood changes, and dementia-like qualities, preventing you from feeling your best and performing at your highest energy level. In the long term, an unchecked vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to permanent nerve damage, which is why it’s important to catch it early. Joining Dr. Oz today is Dr. Katz

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in some foods (animal foods like seafood, poultry, beef, pork and dairy products are the most reliable sources), added to others (like fortified breakfast cereal) and available as a dietary supplement or prescription medication.

Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Dr. Oz's 5 Questions you need to ask yourself to know if you may be B12 Deficient

  • 1. Do You Suffer From An Over All Lack Of Energy
  • 2. Have You Noticed Any Unusual Mood Changes
  • 3. Do You Have Difficulty Concentrating Or Remembering Things
  • 4. Have You Noticed Tingling Or Numbness In Hands Or Feet
  • 5. Has Your Tongue Become Inflamed (look beefy red)

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Dr. Oz said you might have a vitamin B12 Deficiency.

Dr. oz and Dr. Katz went over some of the reasons why you could become vitamin B12 deficient. You could be vitamin B12 deficient because of medications you are taking. Aspirin can irritate the stomach lining and cause B12 deficiency along with medications to reduce stomach acid such as proton pump inhibitors as well as Metformin for diabetes.

Dr. Katz says their not exactly sure why metformin causes B12 deficiency, it somehow has an effect on the intestines and absorption. He went on today that using aspirin, proton pumps or metformin - a combination of these could lead to B12 deficiency.

B12 and folate work together and the real issue with folic acid is that if you have enough folic acid it will mask the effects of B12 deficiency that your doctor would ordinarily see on a blood test. Your blood test will look fine, the problem is it will not fix the effects of B12 on the nervous system. So one of the things that can happen is if your getting lots of folate either from your diet or supplement is B12 deficiency can progress all the way up to effects on the brain causing a dementia syndrome that as noted can mimic alzheimers.

The problem with that is that there is a point that vitamin B12 deficiency is no longer fully reversible. If you don't find it within the first months or a couple of years some of those effects on cognition can persist. A real concern that folate at times may mask B12 deficiency says Dr. Katz.

Naturally occurring folate in foods won't do that because your body won't absorb it, it's the fortified food sources as well as supplements. Dr. Oz said that if you have dementia in your family B12 is something that ought to be checked in that person. Dr. Oz says age is a major risk factor in B12 deficiency and has to do with several factors and it has to do with stomach acid, as we age we don't secrete as much stomach acid. Stomach acid is a key part in how we break off B12 from animal proteins. 30% of people over the age 50 don't secrete enough acid to get all the B12 they need from their diet. Read More On your best sources to boost your vitamin B12 Levels.

Dr. Oz Raspberry Ketone | Oz's Number One Supplement To Burn Fat

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Dr. Oz Raspberry Ketone; Oz's Number One Supplement To Burn Fat: Oz's 5 Fat Busters, 5 Body Types, 5 Days: Today Dr. Oz has a great show lined up for all of us who want to lose the fat. Whether we have a Big Bottom, Big Belly, Big On Top, Big Thighs Or Big All Over, Oz has the solutions.

Plus all of Dr. Oz's Fat Buster Recipes, Pasta Primavera With Chicken, Egg & Cheese Muffin, Tex Mex Salad & Dr. Oz's Protein Drink - Liquid Lunch & White Bean Extract.

Follow this plan for just 5 days, along with implementing an overall healthy diet, and you’ll start to lose weight from your trouble spots.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Bottom

Two-thirds of women have this body shape, the gynaeoid, more commonly known as big bottomed. Studies show that having a big behind is not as dangerous as having belly fat, and may even protect you against deadly illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, your bottom is the first place you gain weight and the toughest area to trim down because your body wants to store this fat as energy.

If you have a large bottom, your diet should be high in complex carbs and protein and low in fat. Oz says this type of diet makes it harder for our body to store unwanted fat on our behind.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big All Over

Fat Buster: Raspberry Ketone Supplement

Dr. Oz says if we are trying to tackle fat all over or simply want to lose weight to consider taking Raspberry Ketone Supplements.

Raspberry ketone, a natural compound found in red raspberries, helps your body to burn fat by breaking up fats within our cells. It contains the hormone adiponectin that boosts metabolism. Dr. Oz recommends raspberry ketone because we’d have to eat 90 pounds of raspberries to get the same effect.

Take 100mg of raspberry ketone at breakfast time. We can start to see results in just 5 days and more dramatic results over time. You can buy Raspberry Ketone Supplements online for about $12. Start with 100MG at breakfast, if your not seeing any change right away take 200 MG at lunch - bigger results the longer you take raspberry ketone supplements

One of Lisa's patients, Lynn took raspberry Ketone supplements for 8 months and what a huge difference and then there was Leslie and 6 months later she looked totally different as well from taking the supplements along with diet and exercise.

Dr. Oz went on to say that by taking the raspberry ketone supplements it tricks your body into thinking it's thin, so hopefully these supplements will get you over the hump.

One of the biggest benefits of raspberry ketone supplements is how quickly it takes effect. Taken at a dose of two tablets a day with a glass of water, and combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, raspberry ketone can produce visible weight loss results in two weeks.

Since it comes from a natural source, raspberry ketone is safe and has no known negative side effects. In fact, the FDA has placed this ingredient in the “generally recognized as safe” category. The proven safety and effectiveness of any product are key factors to making it land on the bestsellers’ list.

The Raspberry Ketone SupplementThe compound has been shown to work well in fat burning and weight loss. But its efficacy is hastened and enhanced when combined with other thermogenic natural ingredients. Among the most well known combination extracts for raspberry ketone are green tea, acai berry, resveratrol and the African Mango. Alone, they are all powerful weight loss products. Combined, they make potent enemies of fats and fat tissues and guarantee a reduction in weight.Raspberry ketone products and their complementary ingredients are all derived from herbal and organic sources, making them safer than their synthetic counterparts. Because they're all natural, they're great for people who want a stimulant-free weight loss product.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster: Red Clover Meal

Have 2 Cups Red Clover Tea - Red clover tea contains isoflavones, which can help regulate estrogen that contributes to fat on your bottom.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster Meal Pasta Primavera With Chicken

Bonus Fat Buster: Firm ButtsTry this nonworkout workout that can raise your basal metabolic rate, the amount of energy your body expends at rest. By sitting on a firm seat, your butt muscles have to work against gravity to create your own cushion, which also stimulates core strength.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Belly

More than 50% of women have excess trunkal fat known as a big belly. Belly Fat is the most dangerous because it increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. By trimming inches from our waistline, we can reduce our risk of diseases by 50%.

Dr. Oz Fat Buster: Belly-Busting CLA Breakfast

This belly-blasting muffin is loaded with MUFAS (monounsaturated fats) which reduce inflammation in the body and help decrease fat storage around the stomach. Dr. Oz says for us to pair it with the supplement conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which can turn belly fat cells off so we can’t store fat anymore.

Try Dr. Oz's Egg & Cheese Muffin Recipe1000mg Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)Bonus Fat Buster: Tomato is not only low in calories, but also is a natural diuretic and can help you get rid of belly bloat.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big on Top (Chest, Arms and Back)

Women who are big on top carry fat in their chest, arms and back and are the android type. Upper body fat is dangerous for your heart. Stress and lack of protein makes this problem area worse. However, the right combination of foods can melt away the extra fat.

Fat Buster: L-Carnitine Lunch Tex Mex Salad

Just like big bellies, people who carry weight in their upper body do well on a diet that emphasizes dairy says Dr. Oz. This Tex Mex Salad recipe has a decadent sour cream topping. Pair up the salad up with 500mg of L-carnitine, which will stimulate growth hormone and help turn on the mechanism that burns off fat in those specific areas. Eat with an orange since vitamin C activates L-carnitine.

Dr. Oz Tex Mex Salad500mg L-carnitine and 1 orange

Bonus Fat Buster: Yoga. Do the Downward Dog pose: Get down on your hands and knees and put your bottom toward the sky. Hold yourself up like this as you lift your body up. This pose can help selectively burn fat in the upper bar of your body. Oz says to do for two minutes each day.

Dr. Oz Body Type: Big Thighs

Liquid Lunch Protein Drink & White Bean Extract

Oz explained that trying to lose fat on our thighs can be very frustrating since the fat on our thighs is not very metabolically active. Dr. Oz said those of us with big thighs, like those with a big behind do best with a low-fat, high-protein diet to help boost our metabolism.

Fat Buster: Liquid Lunch & White Bean ExtractDr. Oz's protein drink has a secret fat-busting ingredient: white kidney bean extract, it is shown to help prevent carbs from being broken down into sugars and converted into fat in our thighs.